Monday, September 30, 2019

Motivations for immigration to American colonies Essay

The first successful colony in America was in Jamestown, Virginia, established 1607. When it was first founded, the colony contained only several hundred people. During the two hundred years that followed the population increased greatly, due in part to massive immigration from the Old World. By 1790 the colony housed a little under four million people. The high rate of immigration stemmed from a number of different motivators, including the peoples’ hope for a better lifestyle than the one they experienced in the Old World, religious zeal, cheaper land and higher wages for manual laborers, and overpopulation in England. Farmers and manual laborers were attracted to America by the prospect of higher wages and lower costs of living. â€Å"Most of these people were of the ‘industrious’ sort–craftsmen, yeomen farmers, and small merchants†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Document A). Since the New World sought these types of laborers to further the economy and lacked a sufficient number of them, the demand increased, and with it the wages. The cost of living was also lower because the New World was virtually unpopulated and there was a low demand for residence as compared with England; subsequently, the costs were lower. According to William Penn, â€Å"their labor will be worth more than it is in England and their living will be cheaper.† (Document 1). Religious types, especially the Puritans, were drawn to America by the possibility of converting natives and spreading the message and lifestyle that they upheld to others through example. They hoped for â€Å"new souls† to be â€Å"won for God.† (David Cressy article). By establishing what they considered to be an ideal and pious community, these colonizers wanted to build a new home for Christianity, extended from its confines of the Old World. One man who brought people like this to America through his words was John Winthrop, who said that colonization would carry the benefit of â€Å"service to the Lord.† (Document 3). Winthrop was a prominent leader of the English Puritans in their voyage to the Massachusetts Bay to build such a colony. Another motivation for immigration was the hope of a better lifestyle by the settlers. â€Å"Many left depressed†¦regions in search of a new start.† (Document A). Some people felt oppressed by the English government and  wanted freedom from it. Also, many people who were denied the privilege of land ownership in England believed that they could fulfill this wish in the New World. As mentioned before, land was cheaper in America due to a fairly low demand for it, which increased the probability of one being able to own it. Therefore, the possibility of land ownership and a new start was an attraction for the colonizers. Some of the people that emigrated, however, were not actually motivated to do so by the attractions of the New World. Instead, overpopulation in England and pressure from the government pushed them out of the country and into America. Since the pioneers of the colonies wanted them to flourish and needed inhabitants to achieve this goal, the government encouraged unemployed or idle Englishmen to settle there. â€Å"†¦Thousands of Englishmen were forced off the land and unwelcome itinerants became a common sight†¦constituting a problem.† (Document 2). The solution to this problem was to ship the unwelcome men off to America, which is what the government did, and was a partial reason for the population boom. Different people were attracted to the New World for different reasons, such as the wish to own land, better one’s lifestyle, or promote Christianity. These attractions paired with overpopulation in England were the reason that so many people emigrated to colonial America. The new area presented a whole fresh realm of possibilities that England did not offer, and as a result, the unemployed, unhappy and/or restless went there in search of satisfaction and something new. Various literature written by educated men of the period promoted emigration and helped spread the word of these prospects. These reasons are what account for the large number of that people moved to colonial America in the seventeenth century.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cost Classifications

Cost Classifications Consult Ch. 6 & 7 of Health Care Finance and other sources to complete the form. This worksheet requires you to match the definitions and examples of types of cost, and the types of centers where costs occur. Part 1: For each term in Column A, select the correct definition from Column B on the right. Write the corresponding letter of the definition next to the term. Column A f 1. Indirect costs a 2. Direct costs d 3. Fixed costs i e h b c g 4. Variable costs 5. Step-fixed costs 6. Responsibility centers 7. Revenue centers 8. Cost centers . Shadow cost centers Column B – Definitions A. Costs incurred directly as a result of providing a specific service or good B. Centers charged with controlling costs and generate revenue C. Have no revenue budget and no obligation to earn revenue D. Costs that do not vary as service volume varies E. Fixed over some range of service volume, but rise to a new level for a higher range of service volume F. Costs that cannot be tied directly to the patient’s stay in the bed G. Exist as budgets on paper only H. The places where costs occur and have budgets I. Costs that change as volume changes Part II: For each real-world example, select the correct term from the list on the left. Write the corresponding letter of the real-world example next to the term. Column A m 1. Indirect costs q 2. Direct costs p 3. Fixed costs n r j o l k 4. Variable costs 5. Step-fixed costs 6. Responsibility centers 7. Revenue centers 8. Cost centers 9. Shadow cost centers Column B – Real-World Examples J. A subunit of a larger organization that is responsible for some type of budget, such as the payroll department or courier service K. Shares of depreciation, administration division, or laundry service L. Administration, human resources, or housekeeping M. Utility bill, supplies, or maintenance N. Nursing care, food consumed, drugs administered O. Hospital cafeteria, gift shop, or parking ramp P. Depreciation of hospital equipment Q. Building loan payment, building insurance, or cable or internet service R. The nurse-to-patient ratio on the cardiac unit is one to three patients. There are four nurses scheduled for 12 patients. During the second shift, three more patients are admitted. The nurse manager calls in a fifth nurse. Part III: Select two choices from Part II and explain why they meet that cost classification. # 7 Revenue centers. I chose hospital cafeteria, gift shop, and parking ramp as the real life example of revenue centers because these are all for profit examples. The profit of any of the examples mentioned above contributes to the revenue of the hospital in general. # 4 Variable costs The reason I chose nursing care, food consumed, and drugs administered as the real life example for variables costs is because these costs fluctuate based on the hospitals or facility census. Cost Classifications Associate Level Material Cost Classifications Consult Ch. 6 & 7 of Health Care Finance and other sources to complete the form. This worksheet requires you to match the definitions and examples of types of cost, and the types of centers where costs occur. Part 1: For each term in Column A, select the correct definition from Column B on the right. Write the corresponding letter of the definition next to the term. |Column A | F |Indirect costs | |A |Direct costs | |D |Fixed costs | |I |Variable costs | |E |Step-fixed costs | |H |Responsibility centers | |B |Revenue centers | |C |Cost centers | |G |Shadow cost centers | Column B – Definitions | | | |Costs incurred directly as a result of providing a specific service or good | |Centers charged with controlling costs and generate revenue | |Have no revenue budget and no obligation to earn revenue | |Costs that do not vary as service volume varies | |Fixed over some range of service volume, but rise to a new level for a higher rang e of service | |volume | |Costs that cannot be tied directly to the patient’s stay in the bed | |Exist as budgets on paper only | |The places where costs occur and have budgets | |Costs that change as volume changes |Part II: For each real-world example, select the correct term from the list on the left. Write the corresponding letter of the real-world example next to the term. |Column A | |K |Indirect costs | | N |Direct costs | |Q |Fixed costs | |M |Variable costs | |R |Step-fixed costs | |J |Responsibility centers | |O |Revenue centers | |l |Cost centers | |P |Shadow cost centers | Column B – Real-World Examples | |A subunit of a larger organization that is responsible for some type of budget, such as the payroll| |department or courier service | |Shares of depreciation, administration division, or laundry service | |Administration, human resources, or housekeeping | |Utility bill, supplies, or maintenance | |Nursing care, food consumed, drugs administered | | | |Hospital cafeteria, gift shop, or parking ramp | |Depreciation of hospital equipment | |Building loan payment, building insurance, or cable or internet service | |The nurse-to-patient ratio on the cardiac unit is one to three patients. There are four nurses | |scheduled for 12 patients.During the second shift, three more patients are admitted. The nurse | |manager calls in a fifth nurse. | Part III: Select two choices from Part II and explain why they meet that cost classification. Places such as hospital cafeteria, gift shop, or parking ramp are classified as revenue centers. These are classified in this way because they are used for interaction and to produce profits from goods that are sold in that department or unit. A loan payment, insurance, or cable/internet service is classified as a fixed cost. Fixed costs are known as costs that do not vary depending on the services given. These costs are endured every month and at a standard, fixed rate for the company. Cost Classifications Associate Level Material Cost Classifications Consult Ch. 6 & 7 of Health Care Finance and other sources to complete the form. This worksheet requires you to match the definitions and examples of types of cost, and the types of centers where costs occur. Part 1: For each term in Column A, select the correct definition from Column B on the right. Write the corresponding letter of the definition next to the term. |Column A | F |Indirect costs | |A |Direct costs | |D |Fixed costs | |I |Variable costs | |E |Step-fixed costs | |H |Responsibility centers | |B |Revenue centers | |C |Cost centers | |G |Shadow cost centers | Column B – Definitions | | | |Costs incurred directly as a result of providing a specific service or good | |Centers charged with controlling costs and generate revenue | |Have no revenue budget and no obligation to earn revenue | |Costs that do not vary as service volume varies | |Fixed over some range of service volume, but rise to a new level for a higher rang e of service | |volume | |Costs that cannot be tied directly to the patient’s stay in the bed | |Exist as budgets on paper only | |The places where costs occur and have budgets | |Costs that change as volume changes |Part II: For each real-world example, select the correct term from the list on the left. Write the corresponding letter of the real-world example next to the term. |Column A | |K |Indirect costs | | N |Direct costs | |Q |Fixed costs | |M |Variable costs | |R |Step-fixed costs | |J |Responsibility centers | |O |Revenue centers | |l |Cost centers | |P |Shadow cost centers | Column B – Real-World Examples | |A subunit of a larger organization that is responsible for some type of budget, such as the payroll| |department or courier service | |Shares of depreciation, administration division, or laundry service | |Administration, human resources, or housekeeping | |Utility bill, supplies, or maintenance | |Nursing care, food consumed, drugs administered | | | |Hospital cafeteria, gift shop, or parking ramp | |Depreciation of hospital equipment | |Building loan payment, building insurance, or cable or internet service | |The nurse-to-patient ratio on the cardiac unit is one to three patients. There are four nurses | |scheduled for 12 patients.During the second shift, three more patients are admitted. The nurse | |manager calls in a fifth nurse. | Part III: Select two choices from Part II and explain why they meet that cost classification. Places such as hospital cafeteria, gift shop, or parking ramp are classified as revenue centers. These are classified in this way because they are used for interaction and to produce profits from goods that are sold in that department or unit. A loan payment, insurance, or cable/internet service is classified as a fixed cost. Fixed costs are known as costs that do not vary depending on the services given. These costs are endured every month and at a standard, fixed rate for the company.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Eth/125 Final Essay

The information that I have learned about diversity in the United States has helped me better understand our society and relate to different people. I think that diversity is a beautiful thing that we should embrace instead of looking at negatively. The United States has come a long way in terms of discrimination and prejudice against different people from different cultures, backgrounds and races. This class has helped me gain a better understanding of what some people went through in order to gain the respect of people that looked down on them because they were of a different descent. Looking back at the way African Americans were treated in the 1950s and 1960s truly makes me cringe. To me it’s unfathomable that people can have so much hate towards a group of people because of the color of their skin. Martin Luther King said it best in his â€Å"I have a dream† speech when he stated that he ‘dreams of a day where his four little children will be judged not by th e color of their skin, but by the content of their character’. I think that from then, we have come a long way because as a whole, society is a bit more open to diversity; but we still have a long way to go. Learning about diversity has made me embrace my own culture much more. I am an American of full Dominican Descent, and although I have always been proud to be a Hispanic living in America, diversity has taught me that it really is a beautiful thing. The way some people discriminate against minorities makes you almost a bit ashamed to be from another country, but I don’t see it that way. I love being Dominican and I will always be proud of where I am from. I think that by the year 2050 the United States is going to be much more diverse than it is now. The minority population is going to be much more diverse, resulting in larger amounts of interracial marriages. The Caucasians will no longer be the ‘majority’. Right now, in 2013 we are so diverse and you see people from all over the world in the United States, and I feel th at as time goes by that is just going to increase dramatically. I think that the racial issues that we face today will always be there,  because there will always be people that are closed minded and living in the past. I do however, think that given how diverse the United States is becoming, society will learn to be more accepting of diversity and different cultures and interracial marriages. Today, you don’t see the same concern for race and skin color that we saw in the 1950s and 1960s; people today are more accepting of diversity. The fact that we have the first African American president today is a major turning point in our nation, one that has changed a lot of people attitudes towards African Americans and different minority groups. According to Joel Kotkin (2010), ‘racial and ethnic identification will be as important as it is now. Now more than ever, ethnicity is intertwined with identity and shapes the way people grow, what they believe and their perspectives on a variety of topics’. (What will American look like; Liane Membis, 7/2/2010). The biggest challenge that the United States faces because of diversity is amongst the people themselves. Americans need to get rid o f the hyphen and accept and understand that we are all Americans and one nation. The pledge of allegiance states that we are ‘one nation under god, with liberty and justice for all’, it’s ironic how so many people forget that we are in fact ONE nation and instead of pointing fingers because of where someone is from or the color of their skin, we should come together and embrace the diversity in which we live in. The challenges that this nation faces in regards to diversity our challenges that we have created ourselves. In a perfect world, we would all live in harmony there would be no racism, discrimination or hate. We would all get along and embrace the fact that we come from all over the world to America and live here together. Diversity is such a positive thing, and I wish that more people viewed it this way. In today’s society, where we are the epitome of diversity, a lot of people view it as a good thing. Diversity is beneficial because it gives a lot of people the opportunity to experience different things with different people. S ome people don’t really pay attention to the things that go on outside of their comfort zone, or simply just choose not to participate in things that will help them better understand different cultures and people. â€Å"Studies show that the lack of cohesion between races, sexes and cultures is due to mistrust, stereotyping, and more within culture conversation and language problems† ( Sarah T., Missouri City Tx; The importance & Benefits of  diversity). I think this statement is absolutely true, and is a major factor in the divide that people create in the United States when it comes to diversity. We have a long way to go before we are a diverse society that values the differences in the people that make up our nation. Another benefit of diversity in America is that it prepares our children for the real world. One of the things I love the most about how diverse our nation is and growing up here you see it the most. Our schools are filled with children from all over the world and country, and our children are taught at an early age to not see the color of their friend’s skin, but who they are and how well they get along. I think that by raising consciousness we can foster a climate of acceptance and cultural plurism in the United States. If we as a whole were able to just be a little more open minded we would be able to knock down the walls that keep us from getting to know people from different cultures and accept them how th ey are. Given, that the United states has gone through situations like 9/11 with the terrorist attacks that made people a little more guarded against middle eastern people and that brought on a lot of discrimination against the Muslim Americans living here. I don’t think it’s fair to put them all in that category, because not everyone is the same. There are good and bad people from every part of the world, and if we were a little more conscience of this we would be able to accept diversity that much more. Diversity isn’t just where you are from or your religious beliefs, it’s much more than that; physical appearances, where you grew up, but all of that is irrelevant if we accept each other and come together as a whole. The media contributes to the perpetuation of stereotypes and prejudice in the way that they show people from certain backgrounds in television, newspapers and the way that they talk about people on the radio as well. I think that the way certain racial groups or cultures are portrayed in the media, has a significant impact on the way viewers and listeners see them. For example, the attacks with 9/11 were something that moved our nation and impacted the United States significantly, but the way the media went after the terrorists also made the way viewers and Americans viewed Muslims living in America negative. People began to hate Muslim Americans and discriminate against them, as if the attacks were their fault. The media helps foster appreciation for diversity, for how diverse it is itself. You see people on television from different  backgrounds, and different cultures working together. Whether it is on television shows, newspapers or in music; the media promotes diversity by showing just how diverse it is itself. For example, the Ellen DeGeneres show is very diverse. The fact that she is a gay woman is a fact that some people look down on to begin with, but she brings people from all over the world and a very diverse bunch of celebrities on her show without discrimination against anyone. I think this is the perfect example of how the media helps foster appreciation for diversity, because it applauds the fact that there is such diversity and it is brought together in a positive way. I think that if individuals in the United States were to be a little more open minded than we wouldn’t have any divides at all, and we could reduce prejudice and increase the appreciation for diversity in our nation. The problem is that a lot of people do not realize just how beautiful diversity is. They look at it as something negative and that is the mindset that we need to work on changing in order to reduce prejudice. We live in a country that welcome differences and gives people the choice and right to be themselves, and to be proud of where they come from. Personally, I am a very open person to other people and diversity and I embrace it because I feel that we are all different and that is what makes this country beautiful. I have a very diverse group of friends, and I have never judged people based on the color of their skin, but who they are as a person and I try to carry that way of thinking every day of my life. I have a son, and I would never want people to discriminate against him for being Dominican, or ‘brown’, and so I will instill in him the same values my mother and father instilled in me as a child, that I carry with me today. I mean think about it, if we all walked around being told what to do, what to think, and to act the same then we would complain about that.

Friday, September 27, 2019

S Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

S Project - Essay Example Many chemicals and makeup products are designed to reduce the signs of aging on the outward appearance by covering up blemishes and unwanted wrinkles on our skin. In the long run, the decisions we make today can greatly impact our ability to combat the effects of the natural aging process. â€Å"9† The fashion industry has changed in recent years, especially in the United States. It no longer focuses on providing goods that are made right here in the U.S., but garments and products are made using cheap labor in foreign countries and then imported back to the United States. This allows companies to garner a greater gross profit than by paying for more expensive labor in America. The problem is that many organizations are being flagged for allegations that the work environments are incredibly terrible and actually border on engaging in many human rights violations. Still, the industry as a whole remains a multi-billion dollar industry and will continue to grow so long as there are customers willing to purchase clothes, accessories, makeup, and other goods and services to improve our outward

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The economist introduction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The economist introduction - Essay Example The first articles were a response to the Corn Law which regulated the importation of con to England. It was during this period that there were many activists who were against this law terming it as a law that was aimed at undermining free trade. ‘The Economist’ gave a group of activists who were commonly referred to as the Anti-Corn Law League a voice because it was through ‘The Economist’ that the members of the Anti-Corn Law League were able to debate their opinion on the Corn Law and argue the reason as to why they were not convinced that the Anti-Corn-law was of any economic significance to England. Readers from various parts of the world usually get the same editorial content. however, there is always a difference in advertisements in accordance with the area. This is a way through which the magazine has been able to include advertisements that are of relevance to specific geographical areas. Using universal advertisement will limit the magazine to onl y advertising products that consumed globally in all the areas where their products are produced. This would have limited the effectiveness of the magazine as a medium of advertisement and a source of product information for their readers (Matthes, Schemer&Wirth, 2007). Therefore, having specific adverts for specific geographical locations is a way through which the advertisement can be more meaningful and powerful in order to serve the purpose for both the publisher and the companies that use the magazine for advertisement.

What is Technology, Green Architecture and Green Electricity Essay - 1

What is Technology, Green Architecture and Green Electricity - Essay Example The whole is undoubtedly a vital components for organization as it upholds security, embeds flexibility and allows corporations to implement a modern IT system. The problem that majority companies faced with the traditional IT infrastructure consists of several problems. One of the critical problems is the fact that it takes high energy costs. In addition, the traditional mainframe networks take too much space. Furthermore, the heat that is generated through these servers must be cooled. In fact, recent studies have found that organizations achieved on average an 18% reduction in their budget from green computing and a 16% reduction in data costs. Hence, green technology should be embraced by organizations because it is cost-effective, flexible, and provides safe process of security protocols. As society progressed to 21st century, the criteria of defining and creating a feasible IT infrastructure continue to be a huge focal point for many companies. As mentioned above, many servers tend to create a huge problem with the traditional IT infrastructure. The problem with this idea is the fact that 90% of the time servers are not fully utilized. In order to combat this huge problem, the IT department attempts to install more applications. However, that is only a â€Å"band-aid† approach to a long-term problem. The result often times is the fact that that this solution is ineffective and unreliable. As the accumulation of factors such as: high energy costs, space issues, and generating heat become a huge issue, companies must seek a new and better solution that is available. Hence, Green technology is a cost-effective solution because it is a revolutionary. Green architecture is highly crucial in 21st century because it allows architectures to create solid foundation of building at a micro level. The concept of nanotechnology has became a crucial aspect for creating architecture since it is a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Why I Want to Teach Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Why I Want to Teach - Speech or Presentation Example The eventualities of the experiences have made some of us to either abhor or cherish the learning part of our lives. Regardless of the experience one may have had, this piece of writing is a speech outlining the reasons why I want to be a teacher. "Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty." Albert Einstein My choice to settle on teaching as a profession was not a matter of spontaneous decision. Instead, it was a factor of a couple of years of reflection regarding the career I would like to pursue in life. I have settled on a career in education because I firmly believe that it stands out as one of the integral duties carried out in our society. I am convicted that teachers, both as an individual and collectively, have the ability to transform the world and shape it to the desirable destiny. In this profession of teaching, I remain hopeful that I will not only find an occupation and a source of living, but also I will derive p ersonal fulfillment and rejuvenation from it. I want to be part and parcel of the great pool of resourceful teachers who will one day be counted as those adhered to the true calling of teaching profession. In the words of Albert Einstein, I desire to teach such that what I offer to the students is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty. ... Furthermore, these teachers had a great mastery of communication skills and were well versed with the subject matter content. This is the exact type of teachers I desire to emulate. Nonetheless, being an open minded individual, I believe that my teaching technique would equally be anchored on a wide range of factors including my values and experiences. I want to ensure that my students learn in an environment that is secure and comfortable so that their level of steel esteem is enhanced. My experience as a student has served as an eye opener that great minds end up being unexploited to the optimum simply because the learning environment was not insecure or not conducive. Unwavering self-esteem would certainly give the student the confidence to strive and reach out for the goals they set for themselves. As a teacher, I will play an integral role in the provision of this environment to all students. I am also excited that I will have the privilege of shaping the lives of future parents and great members of the society. Often times, I find myself in a reverie imagining the pride that the teachers who taught President Obama felt when he was eventually inaugurated as the president of United States of America. I think of that and I cannot wait to start teaching. Who knows that an Obama or Hillary Clinton might be one of my students?! Many people find it hard to comprehend my unyielding passion to teaching profession. As others look at me in utter amazement, some people have chosen to level all sorts of criticisms at my â€Å"misdirected† ambition. They assert that teachers are the most lot of professionals no wonders they are ever complaining of exploitation. I do not blame them for this or neither do I hit

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Risk management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Risk management - Assignment Example This is because organizations that perform risk assessment effectively operate more efficiently and have a better understanding of their industries. Risk assessment is used in determining the type and level of risks involved in business operations and processes. It is also used to determine the degree of risk that can be incurred without negative ramifications (Tarsus, 2014). Businesses use internal or external risk management professionals to determine the risks involved in different organizational plans and how they can be managed. Before carrying out risk assessment, specific processes must be initiated to facilitate the whole exercise from start to finish. These include pre-planning, which involves setting the scope and breadth of the exercise, selecting individuals to carry out the exercise and budgeting (Moss, 2014). There is no set time for carrying out risk assessment. It can always be scheduled depending on an organization’s needs and activities. Some organizations like to plan them to coincide with other assessments while others prefer to conduct them exclusively (Aven, Baraldi, Zio, & Flage, 2014). Risk assessment is also done when projects are being commissioned, and the organization needs to understand what it is up against in terms of possible losses and difficulties. Aven, T., Baraldi, P., Zio, E., & Flage, R. (2014). Uncertainty in risk assessment: The representation and treatment of uncertainties by probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods (Illustrated ed.). New York: John Wiley &

Monday, September 23, 2019

Gubernatorial Campainge Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gubernatorial Campainge - Research Paper Example She is also a responsible editor for J.R.R. Tolkien list of George Allen and Unwin Publishers apart from effectively commissioning both John Howe and Allan Lee to illustrate Tolkien’s work. Her hard work and dedication are evidenced by her role as a publishing director for House working across the Voyager fantasy science fiction list and crime. Jane as a dedicated leader is firmly advocating for the goodwill of Texas. Her ambitions are highly regarded as she looks forward to fully support both cultural and regional values of the citizens to see them prosper. Being a republican she advocates continuing disfranchising most blacks, poor whites and Latinos, especially the burden of the poll tax and white primaries as confederated by other states. This will lead to higher living standards, especially among the Hispanics and Latino population. Jane being a republican will be able to get most of her supporters in Texas away from the east, west coast, south and Midwest. Most of this population is from the suburban communities and rural areas. This includes 60% of married men and 55% of married women. It includes a lesser population practicing gay and lesbianism. On the contrary to this, the democrats live closer to the coast, including 40 % of married men and 45% of married women. Most of its population practice gay and lesbianism, hence they are less religious and younger in age (Texascentre, 2014). In terms of location, the Republican supporters that Jane is counting on are mostly found in the south and the Midwest Texas consisting of a larger population in rural and suburban areas while the democrats are found east and west coasts and in the urban centers. In terms of marriage status, 24% of women will support Jane while 37% will be against her. She, therefore, has a lesser number of votes from women in the population (Quickfacts 2014). In terms of income, a larger population those with higher

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Methods Poets Essay Example for Free

Methods Poets Essay Poets often use their work to express their thoughts, this is what the writers of ‘hour’ and ‘to his coy mistress’ have done to express their thoughts on time and love. In hour the poem is about time and how it is short lived when you are in love, whereas To His Coy Mistress is a poem where the man is trying to convince the woman to sleep with him and exploring the idea of living and enjoying your life whilst you’re young. Within both of these poems, the poets use different types of poetic techniques to show how time can affect the relationship of two lovers. The language used in the two poems is very different but they both show the same prospective of time. In ‘hour’ the language used is very blunt and in ‘to his coy mistress’ the language is more creative and imaginative. This is shown in hour when the poet says, â€Å"time hates love†, whereas in ‘to his coy mistress’ the poet says â€Å"we cannot make our sun stand still†. Both of the poets are trying to say that time is in control and it is very powerful. In ‘hour’ Duffy uses personification and simile; this is shown in, â€Å"love’s time’s beggar†. This suggests to us that time is loves enemy and love is begging time. The word beggar almost makes you feel sorry for love. The poet personifies time as loves enemy. In ‘to his coy mistress’ Marvell uses metaphors. For example, â€Å"Times winged chariot hurrying near†, this suggest to us that death will be near. There are lots of imagery used in the two poems. For example, in ‘hour’ Duffy says, â€Å"but even a single hour bright as a dropped coin, makes love rich†. This suggests to the reader that even one hour with your loved is very precious and should cherish the moment. We also see love being powerful than time for the first time. In â€Å"to his coy mistress† imagery is used in the first section of the poem, when the speaker says â€Å"thou by the Indian Ganges side shouldst rubies find; I by the tide of Humber would complain†. Ganges is thought be to be a sacred place India whereas the Humberside in north of England tend to be boring to Marvell. So this suggests to the reader that He is complimenting her as she is unique to him in a desirable way. She is the only person who fulfils the qualification in his vicinity. The both poets use different form and structure to the poems. In ‘hour’, Duffy only has one type of view which is time is always stopping love. This is followed the whole way through the poem. The first opening says, â€Å"Loves times beggar† and in the last stanza it says â€Å"time hates love â€Å". Duffy uses at the start and at the end to show straight away that time is the enemy of love. By structuring the poem like this, the reader will have the same opinion throughout the poem. Duffy also uses short sentences, â€Å"time slows, for here†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Duffy has added a comma next to â€Å"slows† to show slowness. Some of the sentences in her poem run off, â€Å"summer sky and a grass ditch†, this suggest that she is excited. ‘Hour’ also follows the structure of a Shakespeare sonnet. In ‘to his coy mistress’, Marvell makes his point at the end this is because in the first stanza he talks about what if they had all the time in the world, in the second what would happen if she doesn’t sleep with him. Finally in the third stanza he tells her what she should do. By structuring his poem in that way Marvell shows the lover preparing his argument to his mistress to seize the day and not to hold back. In the first stanza Marvell doesn’t use violent words as he does to the second and third stanzas. Marvell has written the poem in rhyming couplets. Both of the poets show different feelings and attitude. In ‘hour’ the speaker wants a relationship which holds them together and wants nothing else but in ‘to his coy mistress’ the speaker wants a sexual relationship. In ‘hour’ the writer is frustrated with time and love being together. We see this when speaker says, â€Å"time hates love†. It also shows us that the speaker wants a simple kind of love meaning without material possessions, this is shown when the speaker says, â€Å"spend it not on flowers or wine†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In ‘to his coy mistress’ he is cynically flattering his mistress in order to get his own way. This is shows when he says, â€Å"two hundred to adore each breast†. The poem also suggests that the speaker wants a violent love this is shown when the poet says, â€Å"and now, like amorous birds of prey, rather at once our time devour†. Overall both poets have the same prospective of time but have different opinions on relationships. In ‘hour’ the speaker doesn’t want to waste time and wants to cherish every moment by being together. On the other hand ‘to his coy mistress’ wants a sexual relationship. So the speaker says that time is running out for them to have sex and that they do not have all the time in the world. Both of the writers say that time will go fast so don’t waste it. We will also feel time going fast when we are having fun or in love, so we should cherish every minute of our life as it will never come back once it is gone.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Report for potential investors in tesco plc

Report for potential investors in tesco plc The purpose of this report is for potential investors who are considering buying shares in Tesco plc. The report creates an overall picture of Tescos financial position and provides an assessment of Tescos performance over the last three years. The information used to assess the financial position of Tesco was gathered from the Annual report of the last three years. This information was downloaded from the official Tesco website. From that, the ratios were calculated from the financial statements within the report. Results Ratios 2004 2005 2006 Change (%) Return on capital employed 13.99% 14.77% 17.29% 19.09% increase Net profit Margin 5.17% 5.76% 5.78% 10% increase Asset Turnover 2.72 times 2.56 times 2.99 times 9.03% increase Current Assets 0.56 times 0.57 times 0.52 times 8.77% decrease Quick Ratio 0.35:1 0.35:1 0.33:1 05.71% decrease Gearing Analysis 35.35% 34.52% 28.38% 19.72% decrease Interest Cover 7.75 8.31 9.46 18.08% increase Earning per share 15.05p 17.44p 20.07p 25.01% increase Dividend Cover 2.13 times 2.29 times 2.57 times 17.12% increase Introduction The aim of this report is to provide an assessment of the companys performance over the three year period to a group of potential investors in the company. So this report will use nine financial ratios which are useful for the investors to help them to identify and highlight area of good and bad performance of the company and area with significant change. Therefore this report will consist: brief overview of the history of Tesco and Then it will analyse the profitability, liquidity, investment analysis of Tesco plc. The report will also advice potential investors on whether shares in this company would be a good investment. Brief Background on Tesco plc It is best known that Tesco Company is the leading retailer in the UK and one of the largest food retailers in the world. The retail industry is a highly competitive market. Tesco competes with a wide range of retailers with a wide range sizes and there face increased competition from UK retailers as well as international operators. Tesco also sell non food goods such as electrical goods and clothing. In general Tesco is a successful profitable company which attract investors to invest in the company. General Financial Analysis It is well known fact that the financial ratios become important for investors to help them whether they should buy shares in the business, sell them, or hold on shares which already own them. Therefore ratios analysis helps investors to identify and highlight area of good and bad performance of the company and area with significant change. In addition, financial ratios explain the relation between different figures in the financial statements consequently we could calculate hundred of ratios fro a set of financial statements, because of this we need to know which ratio provide a good and useful information for the investors , the ratios which are applied incorrectly they may be completely useless and misleading. However if they are used correctly they are useful for understanding the performance of the company and interpreting the company account. Ratios describe the relationship between different items in the financial; however the relative usefulness of each ratio depends on what aspects of a companys business affairs are being investigated. In this case of Tesco plc, there are four elements of ratios that are been analysed. These are Profitability, Liquidity and Investment analysis. Return on Capital Employed (ROCE): The ROCE is an important measure of the profitability of a company. This is because it is a popular indicator of management efficiency by contrasting the net profit generated by the company with the total capital employed (traditionally, total capital employed in this case has been taken to be the long term funding). It does not only incorporate the funds the shareholders have invested, but also funds invested by banks and other lenders, and therefore shows the productivity of the assets of the group. ROCE = PBIT ÃÆ'-100 Capital employed 2006 = 2,280 ÃÆ'-100 9,444 + 3742 = 17.29% 2005 = 1,952 ÃÆ'-100 4,563 + 8,654 = 14.77% 2004 = 1,729 ÃÆ'-100 7,990 + 4,368 = 13.99 These calculations show that the return on capital employed has been on steadily increasing for the past three years. For 2006, the ROCE is 17.29% which is 1.94 % above the average for the three years. This indicates that Tesco is using its invested resources more efficiently and that by comparing with other leading retailers, they ROCE are higher. This shows that this figure is more likely to be acceptable to potential investor. Comparison on Return on Capital employed Year Tesco plc J Sainsbury plc Morrisons 2004 13.99 7.99 6.01 2005 14.77 -2.56 5.1 2006 17.29 3.73 -5.63 Average 15.35 3.053333333 1.826667 Net profit margin is another widely used ratio in the assessment of company performance and in comparison with companies in the same industry. Net profit margin = Profit before exceptional items, interest tax ÃÆ'-100 Revenue (turnover) 2006 = 2,280 ÃÆ'-100 39,454 = 5.78 % 2005 = 1,952 ÃÆ'-100 33,866 = 5.76 % 2004 = 1,735 ÃÆ'-100 33,557 = 5.17 % From the calculation, it shows that net profit margin has been increasing slightly which shows Tesco have kept control of its expenses. Group sales have increased consistently through 2004/05 by 9.4% and in 2005/06 by 14.33%. (Note: in order for comparisons, two different figures were used in 05 sales due to the implementation of IFRS while the comparison for 04/05 was accounted under the standard of UK GAAP). As for PBIT, there was not much increase in 2004/05, however between 2005/06 there was an increase of 14.16 %. Comparison on Net profit Margin Year Tesco J Sainsbury plc Morrisons 2004 5.17% 3.23% 6.19% 2005 5.77 -0.99% 2.12% 2006 5.78 1.43% 2.17% Average 5.573 0.012 0.035 This shows Tesco average on net profit margin for the past three years is way above the averages of other leading supermarkets. This illustrates that in 2005 and 2006, Tesco profit margin is miles ahead. From this it can be concluded that it is a profitable company which has kept control of its expenses. The Asset Turnover is a measure of how much sales are generated by the capital asset base of a company. Asset turnover = Revenue (turnover) Capital employed For Tesco plc, asset for the three years are as follows: For 2006 = 39,454 13,186 = 2.99 times For 2005 = 33,866 13217 =2.56 times For 2004 = 33,557 12,358 = 2.72 times this shows that asset turnover is slightly increasing. This is due to the fact that revenue has increased considerably from  £33,557 in 2004 to  £39,454 in 2006 Comparison on Asset Turnover Year Tesco plc J Sainsbury plc Morrisons 2004 2.72 2.47 0.98 2005 2.56 2.57 2.59 2006 2.99 2.61 2.59 Average 2.7566667 2.55 2.053333 This shows that Tesco is above the average asset turnover for the market. From this it can be concluded that Tesco is generating more sales from its capital base. Liquidity Analysis It is clear that liquidity ratios analysis important to the investors as liquidity ratios related to the capacity of business to pay its short term debt as become due, therefore the focus is on the relationship between current assets and creditors due within one year, since these measure short term sources of cash and short term calls on that cash, there are two commonly used ratios which highlight such a situation: Current ratios (current assets/current liability) The current ratio measure the relationship between the companys current assets and its current liability in Tesco Companys balance sheet shows the current asset for 2006 3991 and current liability of 7518, the current asset for 2005 3224 current liability 5680, for 2004 current assets 3139 current liability 5618 Current ratios = currents assets Current liabilities For 2006 = 3919 7518 = 0.52 times For 2005 = 3224 5680 = 0.57 times For 2004 = 3139 5618 = 0.56 times It can be seen from the results the current ratio for Tesco company is stable between 2004 and 2005, however it fell slightly in 2006, this is because of the fact that there was an increase in current liabilities. Quick ratios (Current assets inventories) / current liabilities The quick ratios ignore the stock and concentrates upon those assets which can be turned into cash, the quick ratios important for investors who want to take share in Tesco Company where stock is turned over quickly and the sales are mainly on a cash, consequently the quick ratios compares liquid current assets with current liabilities. For 2006 = 3919 1464 7518 = 0.33: 1 For 2005 = 3224 -1309 5680 = 0.35: 1 For 2004 = 3139 1199 5618 = 0.35: 1 As it can be seen from the results the quick ratios test follow much the same trend on average over the three years of 0.34, which shows low level of resources are tied up in inventory. It can also be concluded that Tesco does not have any cash flow problems and therefore the company is using its resources well. Gearing Analysis An important determinant of a companys capacity to develop is its funding structure. This very important as it enables the company to assess its capacity to satisfy its long term commitment. The financial structure of a business is an important consideration when assessing the financial health of any entity. The most commonly used structure is the Gearing ratio, which quantifies the relationship between debt and equity. The higher the ratio then the more vulnerable the company is perceived to be this is because there is a high and fixed call on its profit before equity can be satisfied. This means that a company that has high gearing will has deal with its long term commitment such as long term debt and this in turn means they will be less fund for payment such as dividend for shareholders. Gearing Ratio = Long Term Debt ÃÆ'-100 Capital Employed For 2006 = 3742 ÃÆ'-100 9444 + 3742 = 28.38% For 2005 = 4563 ÃÆ'-100 8654 + 4563 = 34.52% For 2004 = 4368 ÃÆ'-100 7,990 + 4,368 = 35.35 % From these calculations, it shows that the long term debt has been decreasing steadily for the past couple of years while on the other hand the equity of the company has been increasing steadily, which indicate the finances of the company as moving towards equity and less on debt. Interest cover ratio: It is important to recognize that the interest cover ratio is important for investors as they measure the amount of profit available to cover interest payable. The high interest cover ratio it means that the company or business is easily able to meet its interest from profit. in the same way a low value from interest cover ratio it means that the business is in danger to meet its interest obligations therefore the profit available to the shareholder will be very low. In Tesco company the measure of interest cover ratio as follow: Interest cover ratio = profit before interest and tax Interest charge For 2006 = 2280 241 = 9.46 For 2005 = 1952 235 = 8.31 For 2004 = 1729 223 = 7.75 The measure of interest cover ratio of Tesco within the last three years tells us that the company maintaining increase in interest cover ratio 7.75, 8.31, 9.46 as a result Tesco is able to meet its interest from the profit therefore the profit are sufficient to pay the interest it owes and the profit available to the shareholder increased from 1729m in 2004 to 2280 in 2006. Investment Analysis Potential investors who want to buy shares in a company want to be able to have the information they require to compare the benefit from their investment. There are two measures of benefit to the investor: One is the profit of the period (usually referring to the profit available for the ordinary shareholders). The other is the dividend, which is the amount actually paid to the shareholders. Earning Per Share (EPS) EPS is a widely used measure of business performance and progress, and importantly the percentage change from year to year should be monitored for the trend. It explains to an investor the kind of return they could receive for each share during the accounting period. Therefore, it is important ratio as earning per share works out the average amount of profits earned per ordinary share issued. In accordance with FRS 14 Earnings per share, EPS must be disclosed on the face of the income statement. This means that when producing financial statements companies must disclose the EPS figures for investors to see. EPS = Earnings (profit) Number of equity share in issue For 2006 = 1,570 7,823 = 20.07p For 2005 = 1,344 7,707 = 17.44p For 2004 = 1,100 7,307 =15.05p As it can be seeing there has been a steady increase of EPS for the past of years. This indicates that potential investors would have an attractable return on there shares Dividend Cover The dividend cover ratio is another important ratio for potential investors as it measures the proportion of available profits which are issued to shareholders and the amount which is reserved by the company. In another words, the dividend cover ratio tells the investor how easily a business can pay its dividend from its profit. Dividend Cover = Profit after tax Ordinary dividend For 2006 = 1,570 609 = 2.57 times For 2005 = 1,344 587 = 2.29 times For 2004 = 1100 516 =2.13 times The measure of dividend cover ratio of Tesco plc for the last three years has shown a steady increase. It increased slightly from 2004 to 2005 and again in 2006. A high dividend cover means that a company can easily afford to pay dividend. For the last year (2006), the dividend covers shows that for every  £2.57 made in the profit,  £1 was issued to the shareholders Investment Advice Sales have risen by 14.94 %to  £39,454m Pre-tax profits are up by 24%, with earning per share increasing by 25% in 2006 from 2004. This result shows the excellent performance from all aspects of Tesco strategy. This is an extract from the Directors report for 2006: The directors recommend the payment of a final dividend of 6.10p per ordinary share, to be paid on 14 July 2006 to members à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Together with the interim dividend of 2.53p per ordinary share paid in December 2005, the total dividend for the year will be 8.63p compared with 7.56p for the previous year, an increase of 14.2% This shows that Tesco plc strong performance is been implemented in dividend as can be seen in the increase of payment. Tesco faces strong competition from other leading supermarket, however with the management strategy implemented by Tesco and their huge experience which has given them good image (every little help!) and trust in the market as a leading retailer. Therefore, it will be worthwhile investment for those who are interested in earning money through share price fluctuations to invest in Tesco. Conclusion This report has used nine ratios to analyse and interpret the financial position of Tesco plc. There are many other ratios that could be used and will also assist in the interpretations of the financial accounts. Although there are limitations to ratio analysis such as; ratios are based upon past performance and hence there are historical data. However ratio analysis is one of the best ways to analyse the financial performance of a company. This is because, it allows managers to spot any problems and therefore concentrate resources on that area. If ratio analysis is interpreted the right way then it can be useful tool of results which can be understood by accountants and non-financial users such potential investors.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Commentary on the Reader Response Method of Literary Analysis :: essays research papers

Commentary on the Reader Response Method of Literary Analysis Reader response criticism raises the question of where literary meaning resides- in the literary text, in the reader, or in the interactive space between text and reader. In other words the text itself has no meaning until it is read and interpreted by the reader. This analysis can take into account the strategies employed by the author to elicit a certain response from readers. It denies the possibility that works are universal (i.e. that they will always mean more or less the same thing to readers everywhere). Norman Holland argues that "each reader will impose his or her ‘identity theme’ on the text, to a large extent recreating that text in the reader's image." Therefore, we can understand someone's reading as a function of personal identity. The reader response method is one I like to use because it allows me the reader to become one with the story either as a character, an on looker or both. For me the text lives in my imagination allowing me to see the people in the story, feel the characters emotions and walk in their shoes. Of course my life experiences can sometimes help me in interpreting the characters; however, I have to be very careful in how I see these characters and where they live. I feel that this can hinder the way different readers see a story because not all of us are the same. I have to remember to acknowledge my own subjectivity in the act of reading and be aware that I am reading a literary work with my own set of beliefs, ideas, attitudes, and values which will help me to prevent biases and prejudices while interpretating the material. For instance, I have to take each story as something new and not relate each character as an upper middle class white woman, married with two children, etc.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Story OF A Lion :: essays research papers

Night of the Lion One dark night Jim, Jake, and their little brother Adam decided to stay home to watch the Haley’s Comet fly over. The news stations had been airing story, after story about the rarity of the comet’s pass over the sky’s and it seemed to them that to not watch it would be completely stupid. Little did they know that this night was not going to be a fun filled night instead the worst night of their lives. Jim and Jake are 18 year-old fraternal twins that were inseparable and loved life. Adam who was 11 years old and little shy, was their little brother who was always picked on. Adam loved astronomy and he was really sad when he heard that he had to spend this momentous night with his mean brothers. Their mother made Jim and Jake spend time with their brother instead of going to a huge party with their other friends. They all lived in a small eastern town called Rockport but it was known for the famous Rockport Zoo. â€Å"Adam, get that telescope out of the garage so you can be entertained and shut up†, yelled Jim. â€Å"Okay†¦Ã¢â‚¬  replied Adam. Adam went to the garage to find the telescope. He dug and dug through the endless junk and it appeared. He took out to the porch and set it up like his brother told him to do. â€Å"Hey Adam when is your bed time†, asked Jake. â€Å"I don’t have one!† barked Adam. â€Å"And your not leaving me here alone or I’ll tell Mom.† He laid on the couch and sneered at his brothers. He turned on the TV and started to watch the news for news on the comet. They newscaster said that the comet would pass over at 12:00am that night and would stay in the sky until almost 1:00am. â€Å"Well, Adam it’s ten now, are you sure you can stay up that late?† asked Jim laughing. â€Å"Shut up!† yelled Adam. He looked back at to see a breaking news story. â€Å" We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news live at the Rockport Zoo. We have obtained news that a very dangerous lion has escaped his compound and is lurking the area. The lion on the loose has a rabid like disease that makes him extremely aggressive. There are many Zoo officials and police officers working on finding the lion but so far there is no trace of him.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Styles of Teaching: Banking Concept vs. Problem Posing Essay -- resea

Education is defined as, â€Å"The act or process of educating or being educated, the knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process, a program of instruction of a specified kind or level, the field of study that is concerned with the pedagogy of teaching and learning, as well as an instructive or enlightening experience† (No author). People begin their education from day one till the day they die. Every day we learn new things in different ways. Whether someone is just telling us some random fact or you are sitting in a classroom being lectured by a professor. The main focus of this classical argument involves the learning that is done in the classroom or lecture hall in the schools of America today. The question arose as to which style of teaching is most effective in sparking the minds of the receivers to make them become transformers of their education? Would the â€Å"banking concept† of teaching be more effective, where â€Å"the scope of the act ion allowed to the students extends only as far as receiving, filing, and storing the deposits† (pg. 260). Or would the â€Å"problem posing† style of teaching be the most effective, where by â€Å"responding to the essence of consciousness—intentionally—rejects communiquà ©s and embodies communications. It epitomizes the special characteristic of consciousness† (pg. 265). In this essay I intend persuade you the audience to take in my experiences and the experience of two other authors, whom I will be showing you later, and take a look from my point of view.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Through this essay I am going to try and show the advantages of â€Å"problem posing† style to education. In my opinion this style of education is very effective in expanding the minds of the receiver by making them more interactive in their learning rather than the typical lecture and take notes. In this style of education people teach each other and the teacher is not the only one enlightening the class with their knowledge. I cannot only speak this opinion from my own experiences, but also others who share in the same view sculpted by their experiences. The two authors whom I used for a base of my point of view are Paulo Freire and Richard Rodriguez. Freire wrote the essay called â€Å"The Banking Concept of Education,† in which Freire shows how â€Å"problem posing† education is the most effective way to teach and be taught at the same time. Rodriguez wrote the essay call... ... all, everyone is different in their own respective way and some people might have the ability to simply comprehend all they hear, unlike myself I feel like I teach myself more on my own or with others than if I were sitting down and taking notes. The only problem with just listening during a lecture is that people don’t retain all that information over a long period of time. Most of the information is stored in the brain until that test comes and all the information leaves when you hand in the test.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion the problem-posing style to education is not only the most effective way in helping a student retain the information, but it also sets everyone, whether it be the teacher or the students, at equilibrium. I am not just speaking from my point of view, but also from Freire. We both came to the same conclusion and based our opinions off our own experiences. This style of education is very effective in expanding the minds of the receiver by making them more interactive in their learning rather than the typical lecture and take notes. In this style of education people teach each other and the teacher is not the only one enlightening the class with their knowledge.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ballad of A Mother’s Heart by Jose La Villa Tierra Essay

The night was dark, for the moon was young And the stars were asleep and rare;The clouds were thick, yet Youth went out To see his Maiden fair.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Dear One,† he pleaded as he kneltBefore her feet, in tears,†My love is true; why have you keptMe waiting all these years? â€Å"The maiden looked at him unmoved,It seemed, and whispered low:†Persistent Youth, you have to proveBy deeds your love is true.† â€Å"There’s not a thing I would not doFor you, Beloved,† said he.†Then go,† said she, â€Å"to your mother dear And bring her heart to me. â€Å"Without another word,Youth left and went to his mother dear. And opened her breast and took her heart.He did not shed a tear! Then back to his Maiden fair he ran,Unmindful of the rain;But his feet slipped and he fell down And loud he groaned with pain! Still in his hand he held the prize That would win his Maiden’s hand; And he thought of his mother dear So kind, so sweet, so fond. And then he heard a voice, Not from his lips but all apart:†Get up,† it said; â€Å"Were you hurt, Child?†It was his mother’s heart. 1. Fundamentals of Christian Morality Respecting Human Sexuality Ric A. Cervera St. Paul University Iloilo 2. Celebrating My Manhood / Womanhood 3. As God’s gift to us, it is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual beings. Human Sexuality (Celebrating My Manhood / Womanhod ) 4. The Sixth Commandment protects human sexuality. You shall not commit adultery† prohibits married persons from entering into sexual union with someone other than their spouse. 5. It touches on the very nature of human sexuality and the full range of man-woman relationships. It protects the family and marriage, with their two ends of procreation and human completeness. 6. The Christian view of sexuality Our sexuality is viewed as a fundamental component of personality, a good thing created by God, restored by the power of Jesus Christ and enriched by the saving activity of the Church, and by which the whole person enters into communion with others. 7. Sexuality is not the same as the sex act. All human persons must develop their God-given gift of sexuality. But some freely choose, for the sake of the Kingdom, not to enter into the sex act. 8. With Christian view on human sexuality, men and women are: of equal personal dignity and human rights  created through love and for love  called to mutual gift of self and reciprocity  different but complementary 9. The different states of life expressing love for men and women are: consecrated celibacy chosen freely for the sake of the Kingdom conjugal union of the married  Christian youth before entering into a definite state of life the single blessedness chosen by lay faithful 10. The Sixth Commandment â€Å"liberates† man and woman from: â€Å" self-righteous decency ,† consisting of hypocritical moralizing and misguided taboos regarding sexuality; â€Å" i ndecency ,† which exalts casual, spontaneous sex without commitment or love. 11. â€Å" You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife† goes to the interior root and source of the disorders of the flesh by prohibiting covetousness, or evil desires of the heart. The Ninth Commandment 12. The Ninth Commandment protects and enjoins a free, responsible fidelity life-long conjugal union. 13. Positively, the Ninth Commandment enjoins purity of the heart or the virtue of chastity which signifies the spiritual energy capable of defending love from the perils of selfishness and aggressiveness . 14. The Church’s position in masturbation, homosexuality, pornography and prostitution These realities masturbation and homosexuality hinder achieving such sexual maturity by turning away from the self-giving love and service to life. 7. Dapat isaisip ang mga virtue na napakahalaga sa Ika-anim na Utos-purity ,temperance , self-control at modesty. Iwasang gumawa ng anumang bagay na ikakasira ng iyong dignidad.Ang pagrespeto mula sa iba ay nakukuha kung irerespeto mo ang iyong sarili.ï‚ž Ang mga babae ay dapat igalang.Huwag silang babastusin.ï‚ž Ang ating kapwa anuman ang kasarian ay dapat igalang.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Unemployment in America

Harry Icaza POL 101 4/11/10 Professor Karras Unemployment in America Today in America unemployment is a very big issue that everyone speaks about. America has been digging itself into a modern recession ever since the collapse of banks and large institutions. All this led to bailing out banks and trying to fix the financial crisis that we got ourselves into. There are people who blame the Bush administration for the crisis that we were put into, but there are others who do not.Our new president, Barack Obama, is trying his best to put America back on track. Obama’s plan is to re-play the â€Å"New Deal†, in order to create jobs for people who are under unemployment. While the election was still taking place, president-elect Barack Obama saw that he was coming into office with a lot of work and hardships in the future. According to the Weekly Standard â€Å"No Country for Burly Men,† explains that this recession is being called a â€Å"man-cession† by many economists.Not only that, but men have lost a lot more jobs than women in 2009, as you will see on the chart. It is close to 80% of jobs that men have lost. Obama’s stimulus plan offered infrastructure of the country in which it would give jobs to many men who have lost their jobs. The stimulus package consisted of jobs such as building and fixing roads, schools, and transportation. This made women around America stand up for themselves and wanted a change. They believed it was not right for Obama just to target men for jobs, but they wanted him to target women as well.Women economists actually collected 600 signatures in order for the president-elect to provide new jobs in education, healthcare, etc. â€Å"At the same time, more than 1,000 feminist historians signed an open letter urging Obama not to favor a â€Å"heavily male-dominated field† like construction,† says Christina Hoff Sommers. Women tended to blame Obama a lot in this article due to the sole fact that he was only targeting men for jobs in his new stimulus plan.They spoke out for themselves and they got what they wanted. They convinced Obama too also help women get back in the workplace in order to help the economy. As you can see now the economy is running fairly well from when it use to be back in 2008. In â€Å"Mandating Unemployment†, the presidential candidate John Kerry issued that he wanted to increase the minimum wage to $7, and a lot of people went in utter shock. Many believed that if the minimum wage is raised to $7 that it would hurt all small businesses.Kerry made it very clear that every time the minimum wage was raised that it did not hurt anyone. Kerry wants more Americans that are poorer for the economy to flow better. â€Å"Small employers and labor intensive-businesses, notes the National Restaurant Association, â€Å"are the most impacted by mandated entry-level wage increases†¦,† says The New American. Kerry believes that the increase in the wage would help a lot of women in the workplace. Minimum wage is never a bad thing, explains the New American.It keeps bread on the table for the average family just to survive for the week or a couple of days. Many Americans put blame on Kerry due to the fact that if he wants to raise the minimum wage to $7, why can’t he raise to $15 or $50 an hour. People can live a little better if were to be raised a little higher. Personally, I would believe the frame of the stimulus package helping the women get jobs in education and healthcare. It sounds legit that women fought for Obama to help them out in this difficult time.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Arthur Conan Doyle reveals Holmes Essay

Examine how Arthur Conan Doyle reveals Holmes character and his relationship with the police. Sherlock Holmes was created by Conan-Doyle in 1887. When Arthur Conan-Doyle’s character, Sherlock Holmes surfaced, London in the era of Queen Victoria was an intriguing place to live. At this time, Victorian people feared crime greatly due to the prostitution, drug abuse but mainly an infamous murderer, Jack the ripper. This brutal murderer was loose on the streets of London attacking vulnerable women savagely with a sharp, long-bladed weapon, this panicked many women due to the fact that the police’s methods were seen as inefficient; therefore would rarely solve the cases by catching the ruthless villains. Many Victorians had little if no faith for the police in London, as they did not appear to be protecting the public. On the other hand, Holmes, who is an excellent detective, is well known for his use of logic and observational understanding to unravel complicated cases. He described himself as a ‘consulting detective’ an expert who is brought in to cases that have proven too difficult for other investigators; we are told that he is often able to solve a problem without leaving his home. This is prodigious as Holmes was actually an amateur detective, not a member of the London police force. The purpose of this essay is therefore to show Holmes character and his relationship with the police. In some cases Holmes breaks the law, in others he does not. One example of when he doesn’t is in Silver Blaze; Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson pay a visit to their old friends the Baskervilles and find themselves in the middle of a mystery involving a missing horse and its dead trainer. Doyle reveals through his writing that Holmes’s character is very egotistical. This is shown many times throughout the story:† I follow my own methods and tell as much or as little as I choose. † Here, Holmes is being very demanding showing that he does not have much respect for other people; this is very shocking as Watson is not only a companion but most importantly a friend too. I think Doyle does this to ensure Holmes is referred to as a very dominant character in addition to being arrogant and making people feel small and unimportant. Doyle through his use of language creates Holmes’s character to have a greater intelligence over the police. Doyle uses sarcasm to show this: â€Å"Inspector Gregory, to whom the case has been committed, is a very competent officer, were he but gifted with the imagination he might rise to great heights during his profession. † This also shows that Holmes has no faith in the inspector in solving the case as Doyle uses the word ‘might’ to show the sarcasm therefore implying that he has no hope for the police in cracking the mystery. This same egotistical behavior towards the police is also repeated later on when Holme’s says â€Å"See the value of imagination; it is the one quality which Gregory lacks. † As this is repeated in his writing it reveals that Doyle is trying to emphasize Holmes’s views of the police as being incompetent. Furthermore, Holmes relationship with the police is very argumentative. Holmes is always mocking the police by acting witty. This is shown when Holmes says† The inspector here has done all that he could possibly be suggested; but I wish to leave no stone unturned in trying to avenge poor Straker, and in recovering my horse. † Doyle uses this sarcastic language to reveal Holmes true disrespectful manner and arrogance towards the police. In addition to that Holmes finds great pleasure in finding the clues way before the police are anywhere near. When the inspector says â€Å"I cannot think how I came to overlook it,† Holmes replies â€Å"I only saw it because I was looking for it! † Doyle, with the use of that language implies that Holmes was actually observing the murder scene, whereas the inspector did not think to do that. To Holmes, using his logic and observational understanding is general common sense, this is one of the reasons how Holmes makes the detectives feel incapable of their job in which they specialize in.

Saturday, September 14, 2019


NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY FOUNDATIONS FEEDBACK SHEET Activity 4 Dear Student, Please use this document to submit Activity 4. You can simply start typing in the first blank page (recommended) or paste in text from another document into the first blank page. Please save this file as: Your last name, first initial, e. g. , PSY5101-4 (DoeJPSY5101-4). Please save a copy of this file for yourself. Academic Integrity: Please see and follow the Academic Integrity Policy in the Learner portal.Your instructor may select this or any activity to review and submit to Turnitin to assess for an Academic Integrity violation Main Task: Evaluate Library Databases and Resources for use in Research For this activity you will do a library search for resources in your area of professional or research interest. Locate two peer-reviewed journal articles, one book chapter, and one scholarly resource (website or other resource). Then, prepare a brief paper on your library search and your results.First, fill out this chart and for each resource include the following: [pic] †¢ Appropriate citation (APA form) for the resource you discovered. †¢ Name of the database you used. †¢ Keywords you used. †¢ Any search limiters such as full text, date, peer-reviewed that you used. †¢ A note about your skills at this point in using the database from which you accessed the resource; what do you still need to practice? Then, conclude your activity with some general remarks that comment on: †¢ How useful was each database for you? What important journals, key scholars, or new ideas did you discover from your search. †¢ How might a library search spark new ideas? As you searched did you find new ideas or new directions for your search? Did the direction your search take you surprise you? Length:   Completed chart and 1 page reflection paper Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic.Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy. Submit your document in the Course Work area below the Activity screen. Learning Outcome: 6 †¢ Develop skills in online library database searches. Your instructor will give you feedback using the form below and in margin comments on your work. Reading and using your instructor’s feedback is as much a part of your learning as is reading the course materials and doing activities.Your instructor will not only help you understand the quality of your work on this activity, but will also give you guidance on how to improve your skills and increase your knowledge that, if you follow it, will help you do better on future activities! Feedback Introduction to Feedback: 1. Was the activity completed as instructed? Activity ElementsFaculty Feedback |Chart | | |Includes hree peer-rev iewed journal articles, one book chapter, and | | |one scholarly resource | | | | | |Includes | | |Name of the database used | | |Keywords used | | |Search limiters | | |Mention of skills at this point in using each database | | |Discussion of skills attained/needed to be acquired | | |Follows APA form and style | | |Reflection Paper discusses: | | |Usefulness of each database | | |Important new sources, scholars, or ideas | | |Value of searches in inspiring new ideas/ surprises | | 2. Are statements about all readings and resources accurate? 3. Is the writing clear and persuasive? 4. Is the writing correct in punctuation, grammar, word usage, and APA style?Grade and rationale. Grade is based on the following that maps onto the Northcentral rubrics as follows: 70% Content 1. Completion of the activity as instructed 2. Understanding of activity resources 3. Clarity and persuasiveness of writing 30% Presentation 4. Grammar, word usage and APA style For this assignment the topic that I chose to use is one that is very close to my heart. Over the years the research has become more specific in terms of different types of eating disorder as well as the impact that it has on multiple areas of life. For the first article I researched a topic which was first coined by the author Margo Maine, that topic is â€Å"Father Hunger†.This topic addresses the relationship between an adolescent female and the bond with her father and depending on the factors of the relationship the female is either more prone to developing an eating disorder or not. Although there was a large amount of articles available the further down the list I searched the keywords became less relevant however I kept the theme of eating disorders constant throughout my search. I had a few issues while completing this assignment one being that I was unable to find an electronic resource such as a webcast for my topic. I tried to advance my search in different ways while keeping consist ent with the topic and was not successful. The other issue that I ran into is that I was not able to type within the chart that was provided which is why the information is listed below.In order to make it easier to read I made the type of resource in bold print to help separate it out. Something that I need to work on is utilizing other search engines besides EBSCO Host and PsychInfo. Peer-Reviewed Journal Article #1 Article Citation: Fitzgerald, J. F. , & Lane, R. C. (2000). The role of the father in America. Journal Of Contemporary Psychotherapy, 30(1), 71-84. doi:10. 1023/A:1003653132742 Database: EBSCO Host Keywords: anorexia in girls and their relationship with their father Search Limiters: Boolean/phrase, peer reviewed journal, English. Human Skills in this database: I am fairly comfortable with EBSCO Host Peer-Reviewed Journal Article #2 Article Citation: Luby, E. D. & Weiss, M. (1984). Case study: Anorexia nervosa: A girl and her father. Women & Therapy, 3(3-4), 87-90. doi: 10. 1300/J015V03N03_12 Database: EBSCO Host Keywords: anorexia in girls and their relationship with their father Search Limiters: Boolean/phrase, peer reviewed journal, English. Human Skills in this database: I am comfortable with EBSCO Host Book Chapter: Citation: le Grange, D. , & Lock, J. (2008). Teens with anorexia nervosa: A family-based approach to treatment. In C. LeCroy, J. Mann (Eds. ) , Handbook of prevention and intervention programs for adolescent girls (pp. 242-268). Hoboken, NJ US: John Wiley & Sons Inc. Database: EBSCO HostKeywords: anorexia in girls and their relationship with their father Search Limiters: Boolean/phrase, peer reviewed journal, English, Human Skills in this database: I am comfortable with EBSCO Host Scholarly Resource: Citation: Johnson, J. G. , Cohen, P. , Kotler, L. , Kasen, S. , & Brook, J. S. (2002). Psychiatric disorders associated with risk for the development of eating disorders during adolescence and early adulthood. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology, 70(5), 1119-1128. doi:10. 1037/0022-006X. 70. 5. 1119 Database: EBSCO Host Keywords: Eating disorders and adolescence Search Limiters: Boolean/phrase, peer reviewed journal, English, Human

Friday, September 13, 2019

Nursing Application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nursing Application - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to present a proper application of theory to practice and the theory this is applied in this part would be taking history in case of a patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. This paper would demonstrate the history-taking techniques based on the developmental stage. This would include culture, religion; developmental and physical milestones gross & fine motor skills, language, and social development for the particular age group. (Kar, 2006) A 56 year old male patient was admitted in the hospital with the ailment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. He was suffering from Cough with phlegm. Alongside there was Wheezing and there was also Shortness of breath. It was needed to gather personal details for an intricate future diagnosis and treatment. For this it was important to communicate with the patient in a warm and personal manner by introducing oneself, ensuring patient's privacy, sitting at eye level when speaking with patient to comfort him as the patient was already in a situation of utter discomfort due to his ailment. For this it is important to use both verbal and nonverbal communications skills. Within this approach it is also important to explain the purpose of this interview in a heartily manner to sooth the patient telling him as in the case of legal advisor it is necessary to provide complete and accurate details as it would only help the doctors and nurses to diagnose perfectly and only then it would be possible to treat properly and thus this would help the patient to recover in a better and faster manner. It is also helpful and advantageous to use open-ended questions and summarize the interview for patient to be sure t he information is correct. (Fletcher, 2003) The details and summary of the patient's first hand vital particulars based on the interview performed are enumerated below. Culture: This patient was born and brought up in the United States however he seems to have as strong cultural overtone of his ancestral roots in South Asia but as a mainstream member of the American society he identifies himself as an American in the political and social context of the word. Religion: according to his birth certificate the patient could be enumerated as a Hindu by religion but like his cultural background he is attached to the American way of life and has no bias about any from of medical treatment or procedure. Physical milestones: The patient suffered from jaundice twice at the age of 16 and then again at the age of 27. He was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 44 and he is still suffering from it however a report taken only 2 months back suggests blood sugar content sums up to 103. Gross & fine motor skills: Gross & fine motor skills were found to be at a normal stage however there was reported pain on the left shoulder and upper arm. Otherwise gross & fine motor skills were found to be normal. Language: The patient comes from an all American background and therefore he is fluent in English however he has a slight accent on his language of English like most South Asian. His mother tongue is Bengali. Social development: the patient was accompanied by his wife who is a native of India though she is well acquainted with the English

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Comparing Policing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Comparing Policing - Research Paper Example That common denominator is the police department. It is the one arm of government that is consistently present across the nations of the world. Though dressed differently and perhaps varying in function, the main objective of the force, that is to protect the people of the community, remains the steadfast goal of the department. This paper is meant to serve as an in introduction and comparison to three of the most notable police department's in the Western and European hemisphere namely the New York Police Department in the United States, the London Police of England,And the An Garda Siochana -- Ireland's National Police Force. To kick off this paper, the spotlight shall be trained upon the heroes of the 9/11 attacks -- the New York Police Department. The New York police department hold's the disntinct mission of enhancing the quality of life of ever New York City resident by working closely with the community. The power of the police department comes from their constitutional right to enforce laws, preserve the peace, reduce fear, and provide a safe environment for the citizens of the city. The core objectives of the force are as follows: In partnership with the community we (the New York City Police Department) pledge to: Protect the lives and property of our fellow citizens and impartially enforce the law. Fight crime both by preventing it and by aggressively pursuing violators of the law. Maintain a higher standard of integrity than is generally expected of others because so much is expected of us. Value human life, respect the dignity of each individual and render our services with courtesy and civility. (â€Å"NYPD†) Established in 1845, the New York City Police Department is the largest municpal police force in the United States. Their area of coverage includes the five boroughs of New York known as Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. The police department has a vast array of speclialized teams that patrol the city or respon d to emergencies. These specialized services list the Emergency Service Unit, K-9 unit, harbor patrol, air support, bomb disposal, counter-terrorism, criminal intelligence, anti-gang, anti-organized crime, and narcotics, just to name a few. In order to ensure the safety of every New Yorker, the New York police department is divided into 123 precints, without a precint 12 for some reason. Each precint functions independently of one another and has jurisdiction over specific areas of the city and the boroughs.(â€Å"NYPD†) Due to the vast size of the city, the manpower the New York police department sometimes comes up short in terms of visible security but due to the community partnership that exists between the police department and the community leaders, New York City has become one of the safest cities in the world, more so after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. One of the most important security measures in place within New York City that is enforced by the police department is the controversial stop and frisk operation that allows the police to do random checks of people who seem to be acting suspiciously in public. Of course a comparison study of the police departments will not be complete unless we study the police department of the city capital of the country that gave birth to the United States, the police department of London, England. The police department of London is divided into 2 groups. These groups are known as the Metropolitan Police Force Patrol and the City of London Police. Each group has a specific

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Anthony giddens and fundemental principles, anthony giddens and Essay

Anthony giddens and fundemental principles, anthony giddens and relation between international relations and theories,how these - Essay Example 1-8). International relation depicts the causes of war and condition of peace within the boundaries of different countries under different political frame. It also pinpoints towards the sociological aspects of every country. Through the study of the international relation, one can able to understand the reasons of the uncertainties in the social and political ground based on few principles (Dunne, Kurki & Smith, 2013, pp. 1-12). The given essay depicts the fundamental principles of Anthony Griddens and that of International Relation. The analysis also shows the relation in-between the two principles and what are their limitations. Anthony Griddens and Fundamental Principles: Anthony Giddens works reflected a relinquishment of positivism in the theories that framed timeless commandments of human organization. Griddens theory of Structuration is one of the socialistic theories which showed analysis of the different organizational structure research. The theory deals with certain fundam ental principles. The theory finds its immense contributions towards the functionalism and structuralism in respect of the social tradition. Giddens in his analysis had taken â€Å"structure† as rules and resources used by people for interaction. As per the principles, â€Å"rules are generalized procedures and the methodologies that reflective agents possess in their implicit knowledge of stocks and that they apply a formula in the social system† (Turner, 2003, pp. 972). In this context the Giddens has mentioned the structuring of structure as the unremitting development of production. He criticized the new rules of the sociological method. As per his principle, social theories had a constant association and were affected by the social practices. Social practices had been an essential reconciling moment in between two conventionally established dualisms in the social theory. Social practices found a close proximity with the practical consciousness. In this regard the theory of structuration was outlined which substituted the central belief of duality of structure or the essential reclusiveness of social life. As per the theory, â€Å"Every social actor knows a great deal about the conditions of reproduction of the society of which he or she is a member† (Giddens, 1979, pp. 5). The suggestion made was that the social agents were knowledgeable of the environment in which they reside and they adopt themselves in the similar atmosphere and reproduce which is a conception in the duality of structure. In the principle Giddens also tried to portray an inherent relation in between the agency and power. In this aspect he referred to dialectic of control in collectivities. He stressed upon the fact that those in the minor position in the social structure were the most frequent adaptor of the changing social systems by converting the resources they had possessed so far. The principles of the theory were based upon non-functionalist manisfesto. This elaborated the persistent feature of social life. The principle of ‘relative arbitrariness’ influence the internal symphony of the language. As per Giddens, ‘The arbitrary nature of linguistic sign, and their constitution through difference, are the chief notions by means of which Saussure attempted to explicate langue as system† (Giddens, 1979, pp. 1-13). Author per Tuner (2003), said in this pretext, ‘In defining social theory as an â€Å"external†

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Moral judgement from utilitarianism's point of view and my own Essay

Moral judgement from utilitarianism's point of view and my own - Essay Example In this case, utilitarian reasoning will definitely through many people into confusion and they will find themselves in dilemmas when they are supposed to make decisions especially decisions concerning human life. Here is a case where a runway trolley is just about to kill five people. However, the runway trolley can be sidetracked using a switch and in this situation it will only kill one person and save the rest. As a person making the decision, what is the right thing to do? Because utilitarian theory suggests that, our decision must maximize the overall good, then the switch must be switched in order to kill one person and save the five. However, the big question is whether this is morally right addition to this, utilitarian theory requires that we put the interest of the group first and not the individual. This is because individuals possess a different degree of pleasure and pain. The moral rule for utilitarian are more general than ones specific moral judgment and it`s cannot be equated with any of the ethical principles since it will results to the greatest happiness only to greatest number of people but fails to consider the welfare and happiness of the minority. However, utilitarianism still demands and does all that is required to save the greatest number of lives in the runway trolley incident. It`s better to save and salvage the lives of more people than to only save one live. This will definitely cause lesser pain as far as the number of people that were to be affected by this runway trolley tragedy is concerned. When the runway trolley is sidetracked using a switch and so it kills one person the utilitarianism argument is achieved in full force which, in this case, is the morally right thing to do. However, according to my own point of view, I slightly differ with the utilitarian point of view. While utilitarianism advocates for maximizing the good for the majority, I strongly feel the need and good for the minority can supersede the majority`s n eed for good. If the son of God was a utilitarian, it would have been worthless for Him to look for the lost sheep and bring it back home. Besides, if the father of the prodigal son in the bible was also a utilitarian, he would have not considered and get bothered bringing his son back home. Well my point is that utilitarianism only does what it takes to scarify the good of the minority in favor for the good of majority which is, in my opinion, is against my belief as a Christian and strong follower of Jesus and His teachings. In the runway trolley incident, they would have not sidetracked the runway trolley using a switch to kill the individual but instead they would have left nature and fate to dictate the finally ending of the tragedy. Although utilitarianism will make many people happy, I will have acted in the interest of many people but what makes other people happy is not what makes me happy. Our degree of happiness is different. Therefore, my own point of view concerning thi s incident was to let the runway trolley kill whoever it will kill and spare whoever it will spare. This was the moral thing to do in this case according to my moral rule even though the utilitarianism reasoning and advocacy does not require and demands that . Even though the utilitarian point of view requires that pleasure be sought and therefore in this case, it will be

Organization Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Organization Development - Essay Example essful with the organization he or she should change and start treating workers or the employees in a very respective way and as a result the employees will also handle customers in a very good way, these changes will eventually result into the positive growth of the company. Employees change on how they treat customers is an external change and for it to materialize there should be a change internally (Reese, 1995). On the other hand the change in performance in management model provides a clear balance on how this should be done and how they should be done3 in order to improve the workers performance ideally this practices has been successful in dealing with the management in terms of the operatic side of the business with the aim of getting maximum results. However organization development is normally driven by the need for effective change in the organization but this change has to begin with change of individuals within the organization. The problem solving model should always b e put into consideration and it should also focus on the future. Change in the entire organization is meant to bring out a difference both internally and externally. Internally change must start from the management staff, meaning that the managers should come up with appropriate ways of dealing with the employees in the organization. Generally managers should lead by example which is in relation to creation of very calm and conducive environment for both the employees and the customers, this will allow the organization to grow and reach its mission and vision. Employees should also embrace change inside the organization by implementing their duties as expected of them; this will enhance effective development of the organization and a quick realization of its goals. (Allen & Thatcher, 1995)Employees embracing new changes in the organization will result into team work within the organization therefore this will enhance faster growth of the organization. Change should also be welcomed

Monday, September 9, 2019

Amish in practical life Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Amish in practical life - Article Example Learning about their verbal and non-verbal communications was also interesting, the way a female dresses in that culture sends an automatic message to what kind of treatment she should expect. But unlike other communities where only the females are required to observe preservations about clothing etc. the Amish have defined guidelines for the men too. The married men can be clearly distinguished from those who are not by their appearances. The lifestyle of Amish people is quite impressive, and unbelievably simple. Their beliefs about the influences of technology and minimal use of it are unimaginable to people like us who are self-accepted slaves to technology. One view would say, that the Amish are backward, non-developing, non-evolving, and narrow-minded. The so many restrictions in their life regarding everything, from the way they dress to the way they live, celebrate and carry out day to day activities may led one to believe that these people are living a bounded life with no rights of their own. They cannot chose their way of living as everything is pre-planned for them. The men would work in fields and work for the family’s income, the women will be responsible for the operations of the household. The funeral in Amish culture is also carried out very simply, â€Å" graves are hand dug. The funeral service is simple, with no eulogy or flowers. Grave stones are simple, following the Amish belief that no individual is better than the other† (Powell 2010). This belief of their communicates a simple truth of life that whatever a person achieved in life.