Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Role Of Safeguards In Strengthening Independence Essay

Role Of Safeguards In Strengthening Independence - Essay Example The importance of autonomy of auditors and the inherent risk of not being totally self-determining raises many of the issues where safeguards were suggested in order to minimize the threat to the sovereignty of the auditors. Although auditors cannot be completely liberated from the client, however, there are certain measures, which brings the dependency of the auditors to an acceptable level. Independence of the auditors is compulsory in order to assure that the opinion that the auditor provide is free from biases. Auditors provide reasonable assurance upon the financial statements of the company where the auditor expresses the opinion whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement and all applicable standards were followed (Cai, 1997). The assurance regarding the independence of auditors must be affirmed, though not completely but to an acceptable level (Silvia, 2010), by providing safeguards upon the issues that threaten the auditors’ independence. ... The safeguards provided in order to minimize the threat to the independence of the auditors are categorized differently. The safeguards provided ensure that the threats to the independence of auditors are minimized to the acceptable level. Absolute Prohibition The independence of the auditors is strengthened when there is complete prohibition is provided regarding the financial and non-financial interest of the auditor to the client. When the auditor is completely prohibited from possessing any type of interest in the client the independence increases (Peter, 2004). The framework completely restricts the client and auditor to possess any type of relationship whether business or personal. The restriction is imposed upon activities that are to be carried out between the client and the auditor. Permitting But Restricting the Extent In several cases the framework permits the auditor to continue with the activity with the client but the extent of the activity and relationship with the cli ent is limited.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thoughts on Gestalt Essay Example for Free

Thoughts on Gestalt Essay After reading the chapter on Gestalt therapy, it seems that there is certainly more to this type of therapy than I had previously thought. Although Gestalt is not widely used, there are some aspects of it that I think could be useful in any therapeutic setting. The first key concept of gestalt that I think is useful is keeping the therapy focused in the here and now. Certainly we all have things in our past that affect the way we handle ourselves in the present, but bringing those past hurts into the current setting and dealing with them here and now seems like a good plan to me. Of equal importance is the fact of a client having personal awareness of themselves and the environment around them. I think the idea of a client being responsible for their actions and owning their reality could at the very least, be a challenge. The idea of a client reintegrating his or her experience into their whole self in the therapeutic process is the key. I like the idea that the whole is greater than the sun of its parts. Finally, the idea of a person knowing who they are and who they are not as opposed to who they think they should be (Paradoxical Theory of Change) is the catalyst of change. I think this idea transcends many approaches to therapy because it allows the individual to choose what and who they want to be. As stated in the text, gestalt therapy allows a person to try on new behaviors and seeing what works for them and what does not. In conclusion, in certain settings I can see where Gestalt therapy could benefit a client, but the client would need to be screened very carefully to make certain that their psyche could handle such a unique and hands on approach. The idea of a Gestalt group seems a daunting task, but something I may have the opportunity to employ in the future. We shall see what the future ho lds.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Education for citizenship is important because every society needs Essa

Education for citizenship is important because every society needs people to contribute effectively, in a variety of ways, to the future health and wellbeing of communities and the environment, locally, nationally and globally. Rationale for citizenship Education for citizenship is important because every society needs people to contribute effectively, in a variety of ways, to the future health and wellbeing of communities and the environment, locally, nationally and globally. Fostering active and responsible citizens contributes to the process of developing a healthy and vibrant culture of democratic participation. Whilst all individuals share the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, regardless of status, knowledge or skill, it is clear that citizenship may be exercised with different degrees of effectiveness. The opportunities for learning that are provided in primary education make important contributions to the process of educating for active and responsible citizenship. At the same time, the contributions of formal education need to be seen alongside, and in interaction with, parents, carers and the media and opportunities for community-based learning. Also, primary schools need to take account of the diversity of the local communities in which young people live. Aims of the topic The rights and responsibilities of citizens are reciprocal in many respects. If we all have a right to be treated with respect, then it follows that we have a clear obligation to treat all others with respect. If we all have a right to a say on matters that affect our lives, then we have a responsibility to attend to the views of others on matters that also affect them. However, it is also clear that per... ...rnes. Holden, C. (2003) Citizenship in the Primary school: Going Beyond Circle Time. Pastoral care in Education, 21 (3),24-29 Kerr, David.(1998). Citizenship education in primary schools : a national survey commissioned by the Institute for Citizenship Studies about opportunities for citizenship education and community involvement in primary schools, final report . QCA Klein, Reva . (2001) Citizens by right : citizenship education in primary schools : Stoke-on-Trent : Trentham and Save the Children. Lister, I. (1984) Teaching and learning about human rights. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Starkey, H. (1992) Back to Basic Values: Education for justice and peace in the world, Journal of Moral Education, 21(3), 195-92 United Nations.(1989) Teaching human rights : practical activities for primary and secondary schools. New York : United Nations.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Comparative Study of Literary

I would like to appreciate deeply the Institute of Post-graduate Studies (PIPS) of Universities Gains Malaysia (ISM) for the graduate assistance scheme which has supported me financially and has permitted me to have more teaching experience in the university. I have really enjoyed it. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to my supervisor Dry. Teeing Separate Bin Teeing Maid. You have given your time and attention to my study. You have edified me Intellectually, and morally. I have learnt a lot from you.I am profoundly grateful for all the efforts you have done for me to complete my studies. Well-done and thankful very much! Special thanks go to Mrs.. Teeing Handmaid Teeing Amdahl, and Mr.. Teeing Yah Teeing Maid for their moral support and encouragement. Thanks go also to the staff of the Department of Languages and translation of the Universities Gains Malaysia for their amity, friendship, dealing, and Interaction, which I have enjoyed for the period of my study. I'm grateful to my uncle Houseboys Abraham, and my aunt Marl Abraham for their moral support and encouragement.I ask forgiveness from my children, Camera Mohamed Abode and Housel Mohamed Abode for living away from them for so long. I have lived away from you In your early ages for the quest for knowledge for the Juvenile generation of which you are members. Do understand that I think of you too much. I pray to my late parents, Embargo Abraham and Abode Mindset. May God rest their souls. Finally, I thank God for giving me health and persons, and to bless me to contribute the knowledge I have learnt to mankind in general and to my country, Comers in particular. Amen!The last category deals with translator training, translation aids, and translation criticism. This study is conducted on the second category (TTS); it is a descriptive translation study in literary translation. It describes and compares translation aspects that can be semantically problematic. It is motivated by p roblems concerning the macrostructure (the global meaning of the texts understudy) and macrostructure (the expressive means of the texts understudy), their occurrence, translatability, and effects in literary translation. This study is a multilingual comparative study. It is a descriptive study on literary texts whose dynamic polyester, according to Hermann (1985: 10-12), requires a â€Å"continual interplay between theoretical models and practical case studies† carried out in a descriptive approach which is target-text oriented. Moreover, Avian and Darlene (1995: 9) state that â€Å"translation can be an object of research into the mechanisms of one language in relation to another. Translation allows us to clarify certain linguistic phenomena which otherwise would remain undiscovered. Weston (1991 : 9) points out that translation difficulties deal with overcoming conceptual differences between the SSL and TTL. Wills (1998: 58- 60), van Disk (1981: 5), and Escaroles (1978: 1 2- 14) have linguistically discussed the interdependence between macrostructure and macrostructure in terms of coherence and relationships. The former deal with the global relationships of the events and actions of the text, whereas the latter deals with the local details and their relationships between the

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Sas Case Analysis

International Case #: 6-2 T h e C a s e o f (Scandinavian Airlines S A S System) INTRODUCTION SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM (SAS) originated when the airlines of Sweden, Norway and Denmark formed a consortium. 1970’s – competition are fierce and resulted in a loss market share. 1981 – Jan Carlzon, The CEO, undertook drastic decentralization. Top-Down authority replaced by open communication. SAS Strategies is to become known as â€Å"the businessman’s strategy† (with rather high fares), with upgraded service, on-time performance, good food and comfort. For the Future SAS has 2 goals 1. To become the most efficient airline in Europe by 1992 2. To be one of the five major airlines in Europe after 1995 Keystone is SAS’s global strategy is to form strategic alliances. -? An agreement to exchange equities with Swissair was reached in 1989. -? Alliance was also made with All Nippon Airways, LanChile, Canadian Airlines Intl and Finnair. I. TIME CONTEXT II. VIEWPOINT 1981 Jan Carlzon SAS CEO III. CENTRAL PROBLEM Fierce competition, Loss of market share & Reduced profitability IV. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVE Must: to cope up with competition Wants: to become the most efficient airline in Europe by 1992 and to be one of the five major airlines in Europe after 1995 V. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION THREATS 1.? Competition with larger airlines 2.? High fuel price 3.? Rising operational costs 4.? Decrease in demand for air service 5.? Price Wars OPPORTUNITIES 1.? Strategic alliances with other airlines 2.? Offer high-quality service V. AREAS OF CONSIDERATION WEAKNESSES 1.? Deterioration of services 2.? Low morale of the workforce STRENGTH 1.? Workforce 2.? Upgraded Services 3.? On-time performance 4.? Good food & comfort 5.? Decentralization VI. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION 1. Continuous implementation of decentralization (+) Faster decision-making Address and solve the problem right away Open communication Training and development for employees (-) Mistakes or wrong decisions are prevalent Policies and rule must be reviewed and change Training cost Great deal of time in communication a.? b.? c.? d.? a.? b.? c.? d.? VI. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION 2. Strategic alliance with other airlines (+) Access to different airlines hub Leverage Able to compete with larger airlines Opportunity to sell shares (-) a.? Control issue b.? Possible waste of money a.? b.? c.? d.? VI. ALTERNATIVE COURSES OF ACTION 3. Upgrade service strategy (+) a.? High-quality service b.? Punctual and on-time performance (-) a.? High fares b.? Research and development cost c.? Training cost VII. RECOMMENDATION Adapt ACA 2 (Strategic Alliance) VIII. ACTION PLAN Person Responsible Jan Carlzon / Marketing Research Jan Carlzon Jan Carlzon Jan Carlzon / Negotiating Team Negotiating Team Jan Carlzon / Allies Finance Department Activities Gather data through business intelligence & competitive analysis Set a meeting with the SAS Board Form a negotiating team Set meetings with possible allies Time Frame 30 days 1 day 7 days Prepare proposals/MOA/Service agreement Contract signing / sign-off Prepare budget 3 days 1 day 5 days â€Å"Mistakes can usually be corrected later; the time that is lost in not making a decision can never be retrieved†. – Jan Carlzon

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Outline the positive and negative features of the command economy Research Paper Example

Outline the positive and negative features of the command economy Research Paper Example Outline the positive and negative features of the command economy Paper Outline the positive and negative features of the command economy Paper The essential economic problem is limited resources, such as land, labour, capital and enterprise, in relation to unlimited wants. Because of this, people need to answer the three basic economic questions: what to produce, how to produce and for whom to produce. Therefore there is a need for effective resource allocation with effective answers or rather methods of organizing the production, distribution, exchange, sharing goods and services. Allocation of scarce resources is organized through several different economic systems. The idea of the command economy is to answer the three basic economic questions completely by the government (not by the market forces) and that means also that all factors of production are owned by the government. It is based upon the Karl Marxs (1818-1883) theory that all people are equally. This way of answering the questions is not perfect and hence contain both advantages and disadvantages. Positive features The Government is very powerful (so overall there is the possibility to grow economically very quickly from a poor background) and plans everything for the society. These social goals are also individual goals, thus the state cares for every person equally: It distributes and redistributes the wealth equally, so that everyone has the same income. Current spending, such as in social welfare, government employees, defense, health, pensions, debt repayments, is made by the government and therefore the society receive all these goods and services for free. Capital spending, such as in the infrastructure, e. g. : airports, housing, roads and rails, education, telecommunication, is made by the government and therefore the society receive all these for free as well. Moreover there is enough provision of essential services, law and order, cultural affairs, international relations and social issues. Factors of production are not just mobile because of governments help or plans, they are also used effectively, that means that unemployment and inflation do not exist. This is because the prices are constant, they are controlled by the government, not by constantly changing/insecure market forces: The government shifts the demand by prices and advertising from goods with negative and positive externalities- constant high prices on harmful goods like cars and alcohol to reduce their consumption nd constant low prices on basic commodities like food, housing, health care, public transport (to ensure that consumers are able to afford adequate supplies)2. Likewise the value of the currency is constant and there is no lack of essential goods. As a result of all these features the command economy there is no abuse of any power and it is equally advantageous for all people. But these positive features exist just measured with inside parameters, that means just in the theory, because the reality is also measured with outside parameters, negative features do exist: Negative features In a command economy there is no private property, no self interest in profit, no competition, no freedom of choice and all of the governments targets are quantitative not qualitative. Because they are just quantitative, growth occurs, but without development. A good real world example are the consequences of the cold war (1945-1991): there was an increase in the output of military goods, but no equal increase in the output of civilian goods, therefore no development: The consumer could only choose to spend income on those things the government decided to produce. Consumer wishes were often a poor third in the plan after investment needs and defence needs were met. 5 Production costs are not reflected in prices. For example, it may cost more to produce a good or service, than the purchased price is. Since prices act not as signals, the government just suppressed the inflation, because it is not possible to convert prices because of the difference of inside parameters to outside parameters. One of the results is that the economy is when not able respond quickly to new conditions. And so there is only little economic efficiency, first, because in reality there is unemployment, (it is likely to be hidden or disguised), but many people produced very little, their marginal product is very low, inefficiency is high and secondly, the principles of profit and loss do not exist, as well as the concept of competition, there is just one firm per product and what is why inefficient firms do not close and goods and services are not produced at the lowest possible cost, so resources are wasted and this leads to more or real loss and bad quality all in all it is not a very effective way resource allocation. The consequence of this is that the government needs to use also alternative methods like queuing or rationing. Furthermore black markets and corruption are likely to arise. Conclusion If all people are equal, that means all people are equally rich or poor, there is absolutely no motivation in development, because the government says that it should be like is. But governments plans are imperfect because they are made by imperfect human beings who naturally cannot detect demand precisely6 (they have no signals). Above all governments think that the demand is fixed so the supply needs to be fixed the reality shows the contrary: Planning has been and is the most effective way in simple economies or wartime. On certain levels this economic program met with considerable success. In the 1940s the Soviet state withstood the German onslaught and emerged from the Second World War as a global power. Also, in the ensuing years the Soviet Union was able to maintain a military industrial complex that allowed it to contend with the United States on a global basis. But as economies grow more richer, they grow more complex and then the command idea fails7 in achieving the optimal resource allocation (see also above: diagram1): Today all economies are mixed. But those who were or are more centrally planned had or have more problems with poverty, unemployment, development, etc. The comparison with a country without command economy shows that the other country is nearer to the PPF and the command with command economy is not close enough to the PPF, that means there is ineffective use of factors of production. The aim to maximize profits is more important to the human nature than to serve the public interest. Yet it is not completely useless the positive features, to produce more public/merit goods, use all combinations of factors of productions and produce for all people, are integrated so that the economy is nearer to the PPF, by using the command concepts of the circular flow of income, transfer payments, commodity agreements, taxes and price controls.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The doctrine of notice belongs to the history books and has little significance for purchasers of land today Essay Example

The doctrine of notice belongs to the history books and has little significance for purchasers of land today Essay Example The doctrine of notice belongs to the history books and has little significance for purchasers of land today Essay The doctrine of notice belongs to the history books and has little significance for purchasers of land today Essay Essay Topic: A Long Way Gone Law This is a question about the doctrine of notice or, the purchaser known as equitys darling (as they are sometimes referred to). In order to critically evaluate the validity of the view expressed by the writer in the question, it is will be necessary to: a) understand the doctrine of notice and its historical development and, b) determine whether the current position of the law and the applicability of the doctrine of notice is pertinent for purchasers of land today. In addition to these elements, it will also be necessary to factor in some understanding of the way that land is registered in the United Kingdom, as well as the problems incurred through that land which remains unregistered and how various attempts (through statute) over the years have tried to tackle this problem. It is from these, that the doctrine of notice has its very origins. It is naturally of some considerable importance to apprise the different types of equitable interests in real property as it these which purchasers of land are interested in and, moreover, how to protect those interests. Determining exactly what ones interests in real property are however, is more difficult than at first it might seem, and therefore an understanding of precisely how equitable interests are formulated, listed, charged and notified is essential. Finally, a passing acquaintance with where the law is likely to go in the future with hints at bills and up-and-coming statutes will help in our overall understanding of the issue. Argument The German philosopher, George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) once famously said: The only thing we learn from history is that we never learn from history1. This undoubtedly holds true for the natural course of human nature often so quick to condemn things to the past when they no longer seem applicable; such is the case with the doctrine of notice. A doctrine is a belief, a system of beliefs or a fundamental principle that is accepted as authoritative by a person or a group of people2. To have notice of something is to be aware that it exists3. In relation to property law in particular, the idea of giving notice is therefore usually associated with a burden on the title, i.e. generally, there will be equitable interest(s) associated with that title for which the owner (or future purchaser) of the title requires (or would at least like to have) notification of. An equitable interest is a right in personam [Latin: directed towards a particular person] which can enforced, if considered fair. On the surface, this would seem to be a sensible and indeed desirable set of circumstances from which both the owner of the title or any future purchaser of that title could benefit; after all, is it not the case that as much information as possible is a good thing when one is dealing with the purchase of land? Therefore, by definition, the doctrine of notice is an accepted authority whereby information is (or should be) given to the owner of a title in land (or the future owner of that title) of any equitable interest(s) that may be associated with that title. When we are talking about unregistered land, historically the purchaser was always bound by legal estates and interests in the land this comes from the Latin in rem, a term describing the power a court may exercise over property, either real or personal. However, when buying unregistered land, the title the purchaser obtains is essentially only ever as good as that which the vendor has: Nemo Dat Quad Non Habet One cannot give what one does not have! The problem in land law is to achieve a balance between the interests of a purchaser on the one hand (in the broad definition of the Law of Property Act 1925 [s.1(3)]4 including a lessee and a mortgagee), and those of the owner of an equitable interest in the land on the other hand5. The modern day perception of the doctrine of notice has its roots in the ancient idea of equitys darling, which has become known as the bone fide purchaser rule, or a bone fide purchaser for value without notice, actual, constructive or imputed. This is a term used in the law of real property to refer to an innocent party who purchases property without being given (any or all) notification of third party claims that may exist in relation to the title in that property. Such a person must acquire the title to that property bona fide [Latin: In good faith], and have purchased it for actual consideration in economic terms i.e. for money, rather than as a beneficiary of a gift or a trust (which would be nominal consideration). Indeed, James LJ stated6 that the plea of purchase for valuable consideration without notice was an absolute, unqualified, unanswerable defence7. Equitys darling may well have been originally designed to promote the ideas of substantive justice; but in reality, and to use an equally revered metaphor of Trust Law, she was very much moneys mistress'8. In other words, the doctrine of notice was developed to ensure that the owner of the legal title would be aware of all the equitable interests associated with that title, thereby not becoming encumbered by them, and that it was in the interests of both contracting parties (seller and buyer) that notification of such equitable interests be given. Such was the aim of the Land Charges Act 19259. This is a very important consideration in law because, if such a person purchased a property free of those interests, and, more importantly, can show that they were genuinely unaware of any third-party interests in the land, then those third party equitable interests are effectively extinguished. This leaves the erstwhile owners of such interests with only one course of action left open to them an action in court against whoever granted them the equitable rights in the first place (which in itself can often prove complicated, as equitable interests such as easements, rights, privileges, co-ownership interests10, lodgers and joint tenants11 etc., are often granted as part of a beneficiary e.g., such as in a will. The person(s) who granted these interests may in fact be deceased!). There are a couple of exceptions worthy of note: a) if the equitable interest(s) in question have been entered on the Land Charges Register12, then they will bind a future purchaser with or without notice having been given, and, b) if the purchaser has received constructive notice of the equitable interest(s) prior to the purchase then a court will usually deem that person to have received notice of all such equitable interest(s) (basically, they knew that third party(s) had equitable interest(s) in the land, but chose to ignore them, or, pretended not to have knowledge of them at all). This second exception however, can work in both directions of course if a potential purchaser of real property decides not to bother looking into the details of any equitable interest(s) (should they exist), and later discovers after having purchased the property that such interest(s) do in fact exist, then they have no recourse open to them13 caveat emptor (another property law doctrine from ancient times) let the buyer beware! One very valid criticism of the Land Charges Act system is that because registration is the sole criterion of whether an interest is binding or not [LCA1972 s.4]14, it may operate unfairly i.e. its provisions may be used to deliberately evade interests of which a purchaser has actual knowledge15 (Midland Bank Trust Co. v Green [1981] AC 583)16. The doctrine of notice applied therefore to the enforceability of all sales of real property until the introduction of the Land Registration Act 1925. This act defined a simple list (LRA1925 s.70(1)) of accepted liability of registered land to overriding interests [i.e. when a person buys a legal estate in land which has a registered title, that person would not be bound by any third-party interests in that land unless they were entered on the Land Register, or, were deemed to be overriding]17. The LRA1925 has now been repealed and replaced with the Land Registration Act 2002, which came into force on 13 October 200318. Intended to simplify and modernise the law of land registration, the LRA2002 still retains overriding interests (although they are now referred to as unregistered interests that override, but also removed the relatively simple definitions found in the old s.70(1) of LRA1925 and replaced it with two statutory Schedules19, one of which (Schedule 3) might well have been written in part by a monkey with a typewriter. Paragraph 3 of the new Schedule 3, on easements, is almost unintelligible unless one knows beforehand what it is supposed to mean20. One could be forgiven for being critical at this point in saying that this hardly looks like being a form of simplification, and yet, this is because some of the changes in LRA2002 are very subtle indeed: Firstly, the wording of Schedule 1(2) and Schedule 3(2) so far as relating to land of which he is in actual occupation has been inserted to remove the effects of Ferrishurst Ltd v Wallcite Ltd21. In that case the Court of Appeal was faced with the interpretation of LRA1925 s.70(1)(g) and questions raised concerning the exigibility22 or durability of property interests which allowed actual occupation to be enforced against the entire title, rather than the land actually occupied [Controversially, the Court of Appeal ruled that as the option to purchase was over the entire title, the claimant could exercise it over the entire title even though only in occupation of part of the land]. Secondly, there is now a duty on the transferee of a registered title to disclose third party interest(s) affecting the estate (when they apply to be the new registered proprietor) [LRA2002 s.71]; failure to do so does not however render the interest(s) invalid, and in such a case will continue to bind the new owner if the interest(s) qualify under LRA2002 Schedule 3 (although, even some of these so-called sunset interests will lose their overriding status 10 years after the Schedule entered force)23. Thirdly, it was the undoubted intention of the statute makers of LCA1972 and LRA2002 to work towards the implementation of a more coherent system of land registration one in which all the records of equitable interests, the various charges and other rights held in the land could be made readily available, easily and quickly, thereby aiding the sale and disposition of land. To that end, LRA2002 introduced the possibility of electronic conveyancing (LRA2002 s.91)24, and although the act does have the provision within it for DIY conveyancing through electronic means, we are still some way off e-register terminals at Tesco25. Perhaps my greatest criticism of LRA2002 however, is that it could have gone so much further towards enforcing the registration of unregistered land and did not do so. For that to happen, we must all wait for the next big thing in land law legislation. Conclusion So, where does all that leave us today? Well, in my opinion, the views of the author in the statement are at the very least, far too broad, and, at worst, completely incorrect. It is true to say that, were all the land in the United Kingdom safely entered as part of the Land Registry, then the doctrine of notice would serve little purpose. However, the stark fact of the matter is that as of 2007, only 85% of the land in the United Kingdom is registered which of course still leaves a staggering 15% of land unregistered (some 14,200 square miles!)26. Of course, all that unregistered land is not in one place. We are talking about small patches of land here and there, dotted all over the place (which, none the less, adds up to an area somewhat larger than the Kingdom of Belgium!). The question consequently, must hinge on whether there is any likelihood of this land ever becoming registered, thus rendering the said doctrine obsolete. This is harder to predict than at first it might seem. As I have already pointed out, the definitive aim of the statute-makers of 1925, 1936, 1969, 1972, 1986, 1988, 1997 and 2002, was to see all land in the United Kingdom entered on the Land Register; but efforts in earlier times27 to co-ordinate a system of land registration had proved just as ineffective as those of the 20th and 21st Century. Therefore, unless some extraordinarily sweeping piece of legislation is brought into law at some point in the future legislation which would enforces the registration of all the 14,200 square miles of currently unregistered land then the obvious conclusion must remain that the doctrine of notice cannot, and indeed should not [yet] be consigned to the history books. It may only serve a limited and rapidly diminishing purpose, but for those who still rely on equitys darling, it is a vital piece of British law.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Law of Evidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Law of Evidence - Essay Example in circumstances that render them unreliable. The obvious test is whether or not the statement was made voluntarily or not as evidence by the Section 76(2) of PACE. There are other safeguards against the admission of a confession that may have been improperly obtained and thus rendering them unreliable. Section 78 of PACE provides that a confession may be excluded if admitting the confession would render the proceedings unfair.4 Section 82(3) of PACE incorporates the common law principle of judicial discretion and permits the exclusion of a confession statement if its prejudicial effect would exceed it probative value.5 The main purposes of the safeguards against admitting confession statements was articulated by Lord Griffiths in Lam Chi-Ming v R as follows: Their Lordships are of the view that the more recent English cases established that the rejection of an improperly obtained confession is not dependent only upon possible unreliability but also upon the principle that a man cann ot be compelled to incriminate himself and upon the importance that attaches in a civilized society to proper behaviour by police towards those in their custody.6 Thus the protections contemplated by PACE relative to the admissibility of confessions are three fold: to safeguard against the admissibility of unreliable confessions; to protect the accused person’s right against self-incrimination; and to protect the accused person from police impropriety. Although a judge following a voire dire (a trial outside the presence of the jury) may rule that the confession was obtained fairly and is thus admissible, the circumstances in which the confession was obtained may nevertheless be laid out before the jury. For instance, in Musthtaq the House of Lords ruled that a judge must instruct the jury that if, despite the judge’s admission of the confession, if they find that the confession was obtained oppressively or improperly, they are required to disregard it.7 It was also he ld in Wizzard v R. that the judge must instruct the jury to disregard a confession admitted into evidence if: There is a possibility that the jury may conclude that a statement was made by the defendant, that statement was true, but, the statement was, or may have been, induced by oppression.8 Thus the courts have expounded upon the protections articulated in PACE relative to the admissibility of a confession statement. The main purpose is to safeguard against an unfair and unjust outcome by protecting the accused’s right against self-incrimination, protect the accused against police impropriety and to safeguard against the admission of an unreliable statement. Building on the protection purposes implicit in PACE, Lord Steyn stated in Mitchell v R that the jury ought not to know that the admissibility of a confession statement was determined in a voire dire. As Lord Steyn noted: There is no logical reason why the jury should know about the decision of the judge. It is irrelev ant

Friday, October 18, 2019

North Korea defectors effect on South Korean society. is positive or Essay

North Korea defectors effect on South Korean society. is positive or negative - Essay Example The North Koreans settlement in South Korea has hampered the medical sector since the available medical facilities are not sufficient to serve the increased population. The BBC reported that many people have died due to poor medical care resulting from the shortage of medical staff and related supplies. The defectors are often faced with psychological problems and hence psychiatrists have had an increased load of work and their numbers cannot satisfy the demanding population. Psychological sufferings have therefore been manifested among the South Koreans. A report by the CNN showed that the problem of housing has become a concern in South Korea following the increased population in the last decade. The South Korean government took the initiative of providing the defectors with a house to settle in as well as funds and a career guider. The report stated that offering of houses to the defectors reduced the numbers of houses available to settle in and this has led to negative effects on the housing sector. The cost of housing has increased and this has promoted the emergence of slums and shantytowns in areas such as Rio de Janeiro and Gaema. The Chosun new also reported that following the increased population and unemployment, the security level among the South Korea society has reduced. The unemployed youth have resulted into robbery into finding a source of livelihood. In conclusion, the migration of the North Koreans into South Korea has had both positive and negative effects on the South Korean society.

Bioterrorism and Anthrax, October 2001 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Bioterrorism and Anthrax, October 2001 - Essay Example In accordance with Gaudioso (2011): â€Å"Microbial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever their origin or method of production, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes† are considered biological weapons. Hostile goals of the inventors and researchers in this field are evident and armed conflict among different countries can burst out. Bioweapons are coming†¦ During several previous years the world was frightened by H1N1 flu. Media sources were acclaiming for staying at home, wearing special flu masks. Internet is full of pictures, when people go to work, walk or even marry in these masks†¦It is the example of a global paranoia, but, as a matter of fat, no one could find a holistic approach and a global remedy for curing this virus. Of course, many viruses and bacteria expansion are of natural origin, but it is a well-known fact that they occur in the result of ecologically unfriendly envir onment, overconsumption of people, unconsidered usage of natural resources etc. In one way or another, but a modern individual is captured in the web of unseen bacteria and viruses of unknown origin. There is a rich history of biological weapons implementation, actually. Terrorist are more inclined to creation of biological weapons than to a creation of military ones. ... They stake on viruses and bacteria, which will lead to health inures or even lethal outcome. In case bioterrorist attacks are well-considered and invented by the scientists and researchers of one country to gain victory over another country, then it is important to know different types of potential biological weapons, viruses and bacteria. Currently governments of many countries are looking forward to a perspective of dealing with biologic terrorists. They are focused on searching for an early detection system for biological, chemical and radiation terrorist attacks. Modern society should give an answer to the questions: why? When? How? Bioterrorist attacks occur. The medical community is focused on looking for unseen diseases and possible methods of treatment. Bacteria are resistant to antibiotics and some bioagents are modernized to make them lethal. Modern public is called for being on alert. Thus, modern laboratories can be focused on creation of special fertile area for viruses and bacteria development and creation. At the international level Biological Weapons Convention claims: â€Å"development, production, and stockpiling of biological weapons agents, toxins, equipment, and means of delivery by State Parties are prohibited† (Gaudiso, 2011). Domestic control over potential development of bio weapons, related material development and other measures are taken by the governments and people live under a sword of Damocles, with a feeling of a constant prosecution and hazard. Concerning a process of manufacturing, it can be mentioned that a process of fermentation is a method of providing nutrients to biological organisms, which will result in a rapid growth

Thursday, October 17, 2019


A BALANCED SCORECARD FROM THE PUBLISHED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF JOHN LEWIS - Coursework Example Nowadays, the employee co-owned business numbers nearly 76,500 employees (John Lewis Plc, 2011). Business activity of John Lewis Partnership is differentiated by several directions, including: John Lewis full line department stores and John Lewis at home stores, Waitrose supermarkets, Waitrose convenience stores, and online store (John Lewis plc, 2011). The first shop of John Lewis has been opened in 1864; for 147 years, the company has achieved unbelievable growth, by opening 35 John Lewis shops and enabling customers to enjoy shopping online through the corporate website (John Lewis Partnership, n.d). In order to understand what are the key drivers of the growth of John Lewis and what its pledge of success is it is critical to understand the whole picture of the company’s activity. For this purpose it might be helpful to use the Balanced Scorecard tool. According to the official sources, the balanced scorecard is defined as: â€Å"a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and non-profit organisations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organisation, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organisation performance against strategic goals† (, n.d.). ... Strategy – Customer perspective Every profitable organization strives to achieve profit and/or maximize it. In Business-To-Consumer (B2C) model it is fairly difficult or even impossible to achieve financial objectives if the customer is neglected or treated by the company in not appropriate manner. John Lewis, being one of the UK’s retail giant, has achieved tremendous financial success mainly due to understanding â€Å"this rule of capitalistic world†. John Lewis is a company which strives to understand customer’s needs, to know their wants and relying on these, to continue to provide the best possible choice, value and service (John Lewis Partnership, n.d.). Thus, the company’s strategy is based on three pillars: 1. The best value, choice and service. John Lewis maintains competitive prices in order to retain existing customers and attract new ones, offers â€Å"an unrivalled product assortment† to customers, and provides excellent service through proper staff motivation (John Lewis Partnership, n.d.). 2. Accessible shops and service; John Lewis actively expands the territories of its shops in order to reach the maximum amount of potential customers. The key principles include easy access to shopping, either by visiting John Lewis’s locations or by ordering items through the website. Such multi-channel approach to retail enables company to increase customer’s satisfaction and loyalty to the brand. 3. Careful listening to what customers want (John Lewis Partnership, n.d.). John Lewis continuously maintains dialogues with its customers in order to understand what are their needs and wants, what are their interests and preferences. Thus, the company tracks its results in

Chapter9 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chapter9 - Essay Example This is by introducing new academic programs or fields of study in its calendar to allow prospecting applicants have a variety to choose from when making applications. This fastens student-lecturer communication and a fast processing of applications from overseas students. Also, offering full scholarships to talented students and grants to the brightest ones can be an alternative to the above modes. A college may build its reputation as a champion of excellence in this manner. This model is mainly used to target low income market segments. The college may introduce short term courses and part time classes to cater for the growing population of individuals who have to juggle between work and school. These courses may also include tuition fees payable in installments during the semester by students. Alternatively, partnering with middle level colleges and opening different campuses can be adopted. These decongest the main campus yet, allow more students access educational products in the satellite campuses. Lowering the tuition fees on some programs to attract more applicants can also be adopted. The two-way stretch is a way of catering for the poor and the rich simultaneously. The college may introduce specific courses offered by highly ranked colleges in its programs, but at lower fees and flexible entry requirements. This attracts students from poor families who have met the minimum requirements to join a highly ranked institution and those from rich families who have failed to meet the minimum requirements set by the other high ranked universities. Alternatively, lowering entry requirements and tuition fees for native students, and have foreign students pay higher rates may seem appropriate. Also, the college may decide to offer partial scholarships to poor students and not to the ones from rich families. This strategy can be used to get rid of unprofitable procedures in an organization. Technology that

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


A BALANCED SCORECARD FROM THE PUBLISHED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF JOHN LEWIS - Coursework Example Nowadays, the employee co-owned business numbers nearly 76,500 employees (John Lewis Plc, 2011). Business activity of John Lewis Partnership is differentiated by several directions, including: John Lewis full line department stores and John Lewis at home stores, Waitrose supermarkets, Waitrose convenience stores, and online store (John Lewis plc, 2011). The first shop of John Lewis has been opened in 1864; for 147 years, the company has achieved unbelievable growth, by opening 35 John Lewis shops and enabling customers to enjoy shopping online through the corporate website (John Lewis Partnership, n.d). In order to understand what are the key drivers of the growth of John Lewis and what its pledge of success is it is critical to understand the whole picture of the company’s activity. For this purpose it might be helpful to use the Balanced Scorecard tool. According to the official sources, the balanced scorecard is defined as: â€Å"a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and non-profit organisations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organisation, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organisation performance against strategic goals† (, n.d.). ... Strategy – Customer perspective Every profitable organization strives to achieve profit and/or maximize it. In Business-To-Consumer (B2C) model it is fairly difficult or even impossible to achieve financial objectives if the customer is neglected or treated by the company in not appropriate manner. John Lewis, being one of the UK’s retail giant, has achieved tremendous financial success mainly due to understanding â€Å"this rule of capitalistic world†. John Lewis is a company which strives to understand customer’s needs, to know their wants and relying on these, to continue to provide the best possible choice, value and service (John Lewis Partnership, n.d.). Thus, the company’s strategy is based on three pillars: 1. The best value, choice and service. John Lewis maintains competitive prices in order to retain existing customers and attract new ones, offers â€Å"an unrivalled product assortment† to customers, and provides excellent service through proper staff motivation (John Lewis Partnership, n.d.). 2. Accessible shops and service; John Lewis actively expands the territories of its shops in order to reach the maximum amount of potential customers. The key principles include easy access to shopping, either by visiting John Lewis’s locations or by ordering items through the website. Such multi-channel approach to retail enables company to increase customer’s satisfaction and loyalty to the brand. 3. Careful listening to what customers want (John Lewis Partnership, n.d.). John Lewis continuously maintains dialogues with its customers in order to understand what are their needs and wants, what are their interests and preferences. Thus, the company tracks its results in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Compassion of Strangers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Compassion of Strangers - Essay Example Nying Je can be paraphrased as love and respect--compassion in its purest form is ‘unconditional and universal in scope’. The Dalai Lama’s compassion is described differently and in a much wider context, encompassing a notion that some of us might describe as unconditional love: "At the heart of Buddhist philosophy is the notion of compassion for others†¦[it] is not the usual love one has for friends or family. The love[†¦]is the kind one can have even for another who has done one harm. Developing a kind heart does not always involve any †¦ sentimental religiosity [†¦] It is not just for people who believe in religions; it is for everyone who considers himself or herself to be a member of the human family, and thus sees things in accordingly large terms.† In essence, this love is for all sentient beings as an extension of oneself. The writer continues, noting that "the rationale for universal compassion is based on the same principle of spiritual democracy[†¦]the true acceptance of the principle of democracy requires that we think and act in terms of the common goo d.† Compassion, in this essay, takes on a significance slightly different than that commonly accepted by western civilization. We feel compassion as a type of absent sympathy, as something that touches us, sometimes profoundly, on the part of another; however, compassion in our society is largely a secondary emotion. According to His Holiness, however, true compassion is a selflessness that lends itself everywhere and to everything; in the moment that a compassionate human being witnesses the suffering of another, that human being is immediately moved and internally obligated to do whatever possible to alleviate said suffering. Within compassion is mentioned the concept of universal responsibility, as both an offshoot and a critical component of this emotion: "[†¦]

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mills Utilitarianism Essay Example for Free

Mills Utilitarianism Essay In the beginning of Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill states that throughout history very little progress has been made towards developing a set of moral standards to judge what is morally right or wrong. Although a certain disagreement about such foundations can also be found in the most â€Å"certain† sciences, in those areas truths can still have meaning without understanding the principles underlying them. On the other hand, in philosophy, where all actions exist to proceed towards a particular end, statements unfounded upon a general principle have very little validity. Therefore Mill says that in order to know what morality dictates, it is necessary to know by what standard human actions should be judged. He rejects the idea of a moral instinct inherent in human mind, which supplies us with this ability to judge. Even if such a sense would exist, it wouldn’t show us whether something is right or wrong in a particular matter. Instead, Mill assumes that right and wrong are questions of experience and he tries to show that the principle of utility or â€Å"the greatest happiness principle† is the foundation of this distinction. In Chapter two, Mill tries to reply to some common misconceptions about utilitarianism. He claims that many people mistake utility as the rejection of pleasures, whereas in reality, it is pleasure itself, promoting happiness. He thus defines utilitarianism as the creed which â€Å"holds that actions are right in the proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness†. Accordingly pleasure and absence of pain are the only goals that are inherently good and desirable in themselves. Every other action or experience is only insofar good as it promotes pleasure. However, it is wrong to assume people should only do what makes them personally happy. Instead the standard of judging an act is the happiness of all people. Therefore people shouldn’t distinguish between their own happiness and the happiness of others. The motives underlying a certain act are of no importance in utilitarianism. Instead only the results of our conduct, or more specifically the impact on the general happiness, are to consider. In continuing, Mill states that some pleasures are more valuable than others, so not only the quantity but also the quality of pleasures resulting from a certain act determines its moral rightness. We can experience this difference in quality when we give one pleasure a clear preference over another, although it comes along with a greater amount of discomfort, and would not dismiss it for any quantity of the other pleasure. Mill claims that, given equal access to all kinds of pleasures, every man or woman gives priority to those employing their higher faculties. Appropriately he writes that †it is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. And if the fool, or the pig, is of a different opinion, it is because they only know their own side of the question. Thus only people who have experienced both the higher and the lower pleasures are qualified to judge the quality of a pleasure. But by what extent are pleasures measurable or comparable? And what is it that makes a â€Å"higher† pleasure superior over a â€Å"lower†? Another criticism Mill responds to is that happiness can’t be the goal of human actions, since it’s unattainable. Moreover, detractors of the utilitarian moral state that a life without happiness is quite possible, and all noble beings have become virtuous by renunciation. Mill objects that if happiness is defined as moments of rapture, â€Å"in an existence made up of few and transitory pains† and not as a â€Å"continuity of highly pleasurable excitement† happiness is quite attainable. The only reason why mankind is not yet in this condition of happiness is because our education and our social arrangements are inadequate. Concerning the objection that virtuous men renounced happiness Mill asserts that those noble men acted as martyrs, sacrificing their own happiness in order to increase the happiness of other people. However, such a sacrifice is not in itself an act of good but only insofar as it helps others. Mill presents a couple of other misapprehensions of utilitarian ethics, which he says are obviously wrong but which many people nevertheless believe. First, utilitarianism is often accused to be godless, because its foundation is human happiness, and not the will of god. But if we assume that god desires in the first instance the happiness of his creatures, then utilitarianism is more profoundly religious than any other doctrine. Another objection holds that there is not enough time to outweigh the effects on the general happiness prior to every action taken. Mill replies that such a claim also implies that if our conduct is guided by Christianity we’d have to read the Old and New Testament every time before we act. Obviously this is not possible. Instead he asserts that we had the entire duration of human existence to learn by experience which actions lead to certain results. The last critique Mill responds to is that utilitarianism legitimates immoral tendencies by justifying the break of rules by referring to an increase of utility. He replies that this problem can not only be found in utilitarianism but also in every other creed. Does this argument really dispel misconceptions about utilitarianism? In the beginning of chapter three Mill asserts that every moral philosophy needs some source of obligation in order to be binding. Regarding utilitarianism this binding force consists of internal and external sanctions. External sanctions include â€Å"the hope of favour and the fear of displeasure from our fellow creatures or from the Ruler of the Universe†. Internal sanctions on the other hand, are feelings in our own conscience and create a pain if we violate duty. This second type of sanction is considered to be more powerful. Thus to provide a force which is binding enough to influence people’s conduct, utilitarianism needs to appeal to people’s inner sentiment. Mill claims that in fact every moral sentiment could be cultivated, no matter how bad it is. However such â€Å"artificial† feelings, will eventually crumble when they are analyzed thoroughly. The utilitarian morality on the other hand, emerges as a particularly strong foundation because it’s consistent with the social nature of human sentiments: every one of us has an innate â€Å"desire to be in unity with our fellow creatures†. Mill finally emphasizes that this natural sentiment needs to be nourished through education and law. [ 1 ]. John Stuart, Mill, Utilitarianism, ed. Mary Waldrep (Mineola: Dover Publications, Inc. , 2007), 1. [ 2 ]. Mill, 6. [ 3 ]. Mill, 8. [ 4 ]. Mill, 11. [ 5 ]. Mill, 11. [ 6 ]. Mill, 24. [ 7 ]. Mill, 27.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body

Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Body Anatomy and Physiology Part A Identify the parts of the digestive system on the diagram overleaf?(Refer to Brief) Explain the function of each part of the digestive system identified in the diagram above? Outline the composition of Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates, and explain how each of them are digested and absorbed by the body? Part B Draw a diagram of a typical cell and state the function of each of its organelles? Classify tissues into the four main groups; epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous, give an example of each? (Table format will suffice) Explain the difference between benign and malignant tumours? Part C Label the urinary system using the diagram overleaf?(Refer to Brief) Explain the structure and function of each element of the urinary system? Draw the structure of a Nephron and explain how it produces urine? Name and explain three diseases /disorders which affect the urinary system? Part A (ii)Explain the function of each part of the digestive system identified in the diagram above? Mouth Oesophagus Stomach Liver Gallbladder Pancreas Large Intestine Small Intestine Appendix Rectum Anus In this section I will explain each of the stages of digestion where the food travels from the mouth into each section of the digestive system until it leaves the body from the anus. Mouth This is the first part of the digestive system. The mouth is made up of the teeth, tongue and salivary glands. We put food in our mouth and chew it with our teeth the are four main types of teeth the first being incisors which we have four of in the top and bottom jaws these are sharp and cut through our food. Then we have the canines we have two in each jaw and are used for tearing our food. We then have the premolars which have four in each jaw for crushing and breaking down our food. Then we have the molars which there are six to each jaw and have the same action as the premolars. Our tongue moves the food around our mouth to our different teeth. It mixes with our saliva which is secreted from the salivary glands which contains water, mucus and the enzyme salivary amylase and when mixed with the food creates bolus which we then swallow using the aid of our tongue. (Class notes 2015) Oesophagus This is an involuntary muscular tube that leads from the mouth to the stomach. It carries the food to the stomach by muscle contraction called peristalsis. This muscle contracts and relaxes to create a wave like motion for the food to travel down smoothly also releasing mucus to lubricate the travelling of the bolus to the stomach. (Class notes 2015) Stomach Food gets to the stomach through the oesophagus and passes through the cardiac sphincter this blocks the food from travelling back up the oesophagus. In the stomach which resembles a large sac that can hold anything between 2- 4 litres of food depending on the person. The first part of digestion starts here the stomach churns the bolus around and adds enzymes to aid in the breakdown of the bolus to create chime. The stomach also releases hydrochloric acid to kill the bacteria that travel to the stomach contained in the food.(Class notes 2015) Liver The livers function in the digestive system is as follows it secretes bile into the small intestine and this is generally to breakdown the fat that has travelled to the small intestine it also takes the nutrients that have been adsorbed by the small intestine and changes them into chemicals that the body needs. It also breaks down drugs and alcohol that have been consumed. . ( 2015) Gallbladder The Gallbladder is attached to the liver and stores the bile from the liver which is used to digest and break down the fats in the small intestine this takes place in the duodenum. Pancreas The pancreas is a gland that is just behind the stomach its function is to secrete both Exocrine and Endocrine. Exocrine is the pancreatic juice that contains digestive enzymes. Endocrine contains important hormones which include insulin and glucagon. Both of these help balance the amount of sugar in the body in different ways. Large Intestine The large intestine is approx. 1.5 metres long and connects the small intestine to the rectum and anus this is draped over the small intestine its main function is to draw the last of the nutrients and water from the food passing through it the left overs are faeces and the large intestine gets rid of this waste from the body through the anus. Small Intestine The small intestine is normally about 6 meters long and approximately 90% of digestion takes place here through the main 3 parts that are known as duodenum, jejunum and ileum. On the inside walls of the small intestine are villi that work for nutrient absorption and also have a group of lymph and blood vessels. Appendix The appendix is commonly classed as a useless organ which is attached to the large intestine ascending it can store bad bacteria and this in turn can cause inflammation thus leading to appendicitis and removal of the appendix. Although it is disputed that the appendix can store good bacteria and after a bout of diarrheal illnesses it can reboot the digestive system. ( 2015) Rectum The rectum is the last part of the large intestine the length being around 12cm long and is a store house for faeces. This is the leftover food, bacteria and undigested materials such as roughage that is found in vegetables and is all stored here until the rectum walls expand and we get the urge to defecate. ( 2015) Anus This is the very last part of the digestive system we defecate through the anus and is a voluntary movement in most people but not in infants. This is where we dispel waste which contains bacteria, undigested food. Part A (iii)Outline the composition of Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates, and explain how each of them are digested and absorbed by the body? In this section I will create a chart covering the sources, functions and digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the human body and will show there different effects and how they fuel the body with energy. Sources Function Digestion Proteins Groundnuts, beans, whole cereals, fish, pulses,meat,eggs, Milk and cheese. Protein builds the Body and repairs muscle. It’s broken down in the digestive system and travels to the muscles as amino acids. Stomach, Pepsin breaks protein into large polypeptides. Small intestine, enzymes break large polypeptides into smaller polypeptide chains. Lastly still in the intestine enzymes the small polypeptides are broken into amino acids for absorption. Fats Dairy products, meat, fish, olive oil, cake, chocolate, avocados and sunflower oil. Good fats help maintain a healthy diet and are essential to health. Bad fats cause weight gain and health problems such as clogged arteries. Small intestine Broken down by bile salts from the liver and turned into liquid. Small intestine, its broken down further into fatty acids and glycerol to be absorbed. Carbohydrates Potatoes, pasta, apples, bread, meat, fish and dairy products. Provide the body with energy for the muscles, nervous system and also help the body burn fat. Carbohydrates get broken down to monosaccharide’s to get absorbed and then will become glucose to supply the body with energy. Part B Draw the typical diagram of a cell, and state the function of each of its organelles? In this section I will draw a typical animal cell as I see it and will give a breakdown of each of its organelles and how they function in the typical cell. Cell membrane, this is the outer skin of the cell that holds everything inside the cell and keeps things outside the cell and also that controls movement into or out of the cell. Cytoplasm, this is a gel like fluid which stores nutrients and water for the cell and also helps protect the cell acting like a cushion for cell movement. Nucleus, this contains DNA and all the cells genetic characteristics and also direct the activity of the cell. Nuclear membrane, this is the layer that holds the nucleus separate from the cytoplasm. Endoplasmic reticulum, there are two types of endoplasmic reticulum these are rough (moves protein made by ribosomes) and smooth(steroid and lipid distribution) but both move the materials around the cell. Ribosomes, these are responsible for protein production in the cell and are known as the protein factories of the cell. The protein is required for cell repair and growth. Golgi apparatus, These are known as the postal system of the cell they transport package and deliver proteins lipids and enzymes throughout the cells of the body.(Class notes 2015) Mitochondria, Also known as the power house of the cell because they supply energy to the cell. Chemical reactions in the mitochondria are the difference with the cell surviving also the energy released results in the formation of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which is the primary energy transporter in the cell. Lysosomes, clean the cell of waste generated through parts of the cell being bad and also clean the cell of bacteria. They also aid in the breakdown of food particles and then can be used for energy in the cell. Vacuoles, these are storage areas in the cell that contain secretions or waste that are made by the cytoplasm and in different types of cells are used for digestion or storage. Nucleolus, this is a tiny body inside the nucleus that directs the formation of ribosomes in the cell which then are stored in the cytoplasm of the cell. Part B (ii)Classify tissues into the four main groups; epithelial, connective, muscle, and nervous, give an example of each? (Table format will suffice) Here I will construct a table to outline the four main groups of tissues and give an example of each as I understand them. Epithelial Connective Muscle Nervous Skin Intestines Internal organs Glands Bone Cartilage Adipose Blood Skeletal muscle (voluntary) Smooth (involuntary) Cardiac (involuntary Brain Spinal cord Nerves Example The outer body is covered in epithelial skin this helps protect against infection keeping germs out and all of our blood and muscle tissue on the inside. Outer skin on the body. This connects the bones to each other holding them together while cartilage reduces friction between bones. The femur and the patella are connected to the tibia and fibula. This consists of muscle that can contract and relax and keeps the skeleton attached to the body. The heart is an involuntary muscle that beats to circulate blood around the body. This type can transmit messages to the brain and from the brain to the rest of the body to warn of pain and for movement.(touching) Part B (iii) Explain the difference between benign and malignant tumours? I will now explain the difference between benign and malignant tumours and their different effects on the body and how they affect us. Tumours are cells that escape from their normal function and multiply out of control. They then form a lump known as a growth or a tumour. (Class notes 2015) Benign A benign tumour is not cancerous and does not spread cancer to the rest of the body it is an isolated growth usually grows in size and can put pressure on the area it’s growing in. The benign tumour can be dangerous if it grows on the brain although it’s not cancerous it can continue to grow in size and put pressure on the brain and lead to major problems. Malignant All malignant tumours are cancerous and can spread through the body causing secondary tumours or metastases. Malignant tumours spread through the blood and lymphatic system around the body. Some malignant tumours can spread very quickly and aggressively to other parts of the body even though the primary tumour may still be small while sometimes they can grow slower and not spread as quickly. Through research it has become clear that malignant brain tumours are the most aggressive and have the ability to spread to the spine and other parts of the body. Although malignant tumours are treatable by surgery to remove the tumour and also may require a follow up treatment of radiotherapy and chemotherapy to rid the body of anymore cancerous cells malignant tumours can return.( 2015) Part C (ii)Explain the structure and function of each element of the urinary system? The function of the urinary system is to clean the body of waste products and excess fluid and to also produce a hormone controlling at the rate red blood cells are made and the enzyme for regulation of blood pressure. Structure Function Kidney The kidney is a bean shaped organ that we have two of containing around 1 million nephrons in each kidney They are around 11cm long and 6cm wide weighing 150g. Kidneys are inside a membrane known as the renal capsule to protect it from trauma and infection. There are two main areas the renal cortex and the renal medulla. The function of the kidney is to clean and filter your blood to also recycle fluids and nutrients required by the body and produce urine for excretion. Ureter The ureter is around 12 inches long and connects kidneys to the bladder it’s made up of muscular tissue that contracts and also contains mucous to help prevent infection. The function of the ureters is to carry the urine from the kidneys down to the bladder. Bladder The human bladder is a hollow sac for storing urine it is comprised of three layers of smooth muscle and also coated with a mucous membrane and located in the pelvic area. The bladders function is to store the urine. When the walls of the bladder contract this results in urination. The normal bladder can hold approx. 470ml of urine. In the bladder we have an internal sphincter which relaxes voluntarily to expel urine. Urethra This is a tube that connects the bladder to the outside of the body. The function of the urethra is to carry the urine from the bladder to the outside of the body it’s longer in men than women. Part C (iii)Draw the structure of a Nephron and explain how it produces urine? Below I will draw the structure of the nephron and explain how the nephron produces urine to rid the body of waste fluids. We do not realise how important it is to dispel urine and how important it is to survive. Each kidney contains about 1 million nephrons these are the filtration system for the body to clean the blood and expel waste and reabsorb nutrients. Filtration in the Bowman’s capsule. Blood travels into the kidneys by the afferent arterioles. These are small blood vessels that turn in to the glomerulus. Meshes of capillaries that are surrounded by the glomerular are also known as the Bowman’s capsule. The blood in these capillaries are under pressure and the capillary walls can let water and other materials through into the capsule. The capsule is a gathering point for the waste products of the blood. Although it has collected other materials that are not waste and shall be absorbed by the nephron as they pass through. (An introductory guide to anatomy and physiology (Louise Tucker) 4th edition) Re-absorption in the convoluted tubule. When the filtered materials are collected by the capsule they move into a system of twisted tubes that are known as convoluted tubules. The tubes that flow away from the bowman’s capsule are the proximal convoluted tubules. These flatten out to form a long loop, called the loop of Henle which flows to the medulla and back to the cortex. Lastly there is more twists called the distal convoluted tubules This is where the reabsorption takes place in these tubules. The cells in the lining can absorb any water, ions and water that the body requires and shouldn’t be disposed of as waste. Only 1% of liquid that travels through the Bowman’s capsule is expelled as urine all the rest is reabsorbed. (An introductory guide to anatomy and physiology (Louise Tucker) 4th edition) Collection in the pelvic calyces This is where the nephron flattens out into a straight collecting tube in the medulla. These tubes form a collection called the pyramids of the medulla the tops of these travel up to the renal pelvis. These branches of the pelvis attach to the tops of the pyramids and gather the waste liquid. It’s the funnelled back towards the pelvis and then empties into the ureter and then can travel to the bladder and down to the urethra to be expelled as urine. (An introductory guide to anatomy and physiology (Louise Tucker) 4th edition). (iv)Name and explain three diseases /disorders which affect the urinary system? Kidney stones These are solid stones which are made up from deposits from substances that are found in urine. They form and are found in the renal pelvis, ureters and the bladder they are very sore on the patient and sometimes require surgery for removal or can be broken down with laser treatment and then passed in the urine. Incontinence This is involuntary defecation or urination but mainly urination that is more common in the elderly, pregnant women or women that have had babies. It is the involuntary leaking of urine and also happens from sneezing or coughing or sometimes the bladder may be full and you may not make it to the toilet in time. It is very embarrassing for the people who suffer with it. Urethritis This is an inflammation of urethra and causes painful urination. This is the tube that carries the urine from the bladder to be expelled by the body. It is a bacterial infection and causes discomfort when urinating it can burn the sufferer when dispelling urine and it may cause discharge also. Though more common in women due to women having a shorter urethra than men. Bibliography (An introductory guide to anatomy and physiology (Louise Tucker) 4th edition) (Class notes 2015) ( 2015) ( 2015) ( 2015) ( 2015)

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Characterization in The Little Prince and Pinocchio Essay -- essays pa

Characterization in The Little Prince and Pinocchio Children’s stories are often written about growing up or appreciating the joy of being a kid. These stories consist of characters that children can easily relate to and offer the road to exciting adventures. The main character has a personality very similar to the young readers. They have childlike qualities that are enchanting, lovable, curious and especially adventurous. The protagonist encounters individuals on his adventures, which have specific characteristics that mirror the traits of the main character. The reader may also boast these same characteristics, which guides the reader to understand the conflicts they may encounter in life. These dominant traits are very simple to spot and are used to create powerful images and send influential messages of morality either directly or indirectly to the young readers. Each character symbolizes a specific temptation or obstacle a child must take in order to grow into a good and moral adult. In the two stories of The Litt le Prince by Saint-Exupery and Pinocchio by Collodi, the authors effectively illustrate how important it is to learn self-discipline as a child even when it is so easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the big picture. Through the effective character personality traits and their captivating adventures the child stays attentive and retains the moral lesson the author is attempting to convey. Pinocchio and the Little Prince are very similar characters. They are exciting, curious and adventurous and are both striving towards a particular goal. Pinocchio wants to become a boy and must abide by certain conditions before his ultimate goal can be reached. The Little Prince is on an excit... ...tle Prince’s soul rests in his home planet through the rose. Like the Prince, the rose is delicate and needs protection from outside dangers. Her roots are planted at home and she is in need of constant care. Dynamic characterization of Pinocchio and the Little Prince, as well as minor characters in the story, have created an exciting adventure for children. These stories keep the reader interested and begging for more even though they are essentially educational readings. By using minor characters to exemplify the complexity of the main character, the authors were able to deliver many powerful messages of morality and help children understand the complexities growing up. Bibliography: C. Collodi. Pinocchio. Trans. Ed Young. New York: Philomel Books, 1996 Saint – Exupery. The Little Prince. Trans, T. V. F. Cuffe, London: Penguin Books, 1995

Friday, October 11, 2019

Major Depressive Disorder: Theories and Therapies Essay

1. Major Depressive Disorder Definition and Symptoms Major Depressive Disorder may be diagnosed as one or more episodes of a Major Depressive Episode. Symptoms of a major depressive episode include depressed mood, diminished interest or pleasure in activities, weight changes, sleep problems, slowing of speech or agitation, fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness and/or guilt, difficulties in thinking, concentrating, or indecisiveness, and thoughts of death, suicide, or suicide attempts. These symptoms are not due to another medical or psychological reason, and they cause clinically significant distress or functional impairment. 4th ed. , text rev. ; DSM-IV-TR; American Psychiatric Association, 2000) The cause of depression is not completely understood. It is, most likely, a combination of reasons, which may include chemical imbalances in the brain, psychological, or environmental factors, and genetics. Severe life stressors, such as divorce, or job loss, often contribute to depression. In a twelve month period, 6. 7% of the U. S. population is depressed. Of those that are depressed, 30. 4% are severe, or 2. 0% of the total U. S. population. Lifetime prevalence in the U.  S. is 16. 5% of the population. (National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), Prevalence) Women are 70% more likely than men to experience depression during their lifetime. (NIMH, Demographics) The National Institute of Mental Health also reports that Blacks are 40% less likely than Whites, to experience depression in their lifetime. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates the total number of years a person may lose to illness, disability, or death. They have rated Unipolar Depression number one in diseases and disorders, with a loss of 10. years, well above heart disease and cancer. (NIMH, Leading Individual Diseases/Disorders) 2. Cognitive Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory of Major Depressive Disorder Cognitive Theory (CT) Early negative experiences are overgeneralized and become a part of one’s schema. The theory, developed by Beck, asserts that one’s negative and dysfunctional view of one’s self leads to depression. Thought distortions, such as absolute thinking, selective abstraction, and personalization, set one up for failure, and perpetuate the negative thinking, leading to depression. Maladaptive thinking and behavior may be learned or caused by inexperience. Symbolic Interaction Theory (SIT) A person gives meanings to objects, experiences, and to self. Social interaction with others helps to define those meanings. Symbols and meanings develop and change over time. Self-conception comes from one’s social interactions with other’s, and how one believes the other person perceives them. If a person believes others are looking at them and judging them negatively, self perception is negative. Depression is caused by negative thinking and perceptions. Etiology: Compare and Contrast In both Cognitive Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory, dysfunctional and negative thinking about self, form the basis for the depression. Both theories involve thoughts and feelings formed from internal and external stimuli. In both theories, beliefs are based on interpretations rather than reality. In CT, the depression is more self centered and self inflicted. It is more internally based and controlled, while SI depends more on negative external stimuli. Symbolic Interaction Theory adds the concept of interaction with others, while Cognitive Theory does not. Cognitive Theory suggests cognition and behavior are learned and built upon, while Symbolic Interaction Theory suggests thoughts and actions taking place in the present and are dynamic, changing according to the present experience. Dynamics: Compare and Contrast Cognitive Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory both assert that beliefs about self will strongly determine the way the individual behaves. CT and SIT both assert that people process external information and then apply it to themselves. Both involve irrational thinking. In both theories, the epressed person makes thought leaps, assumptions that are not supported. In Cognitive Theory, one may assume that because they had a negative experience in one situation, it will always be experienced the same way. In Symbolic Interaction Theory one may assume that an interaction with a person, or certain types of people will always be the same. CT may involve a situation the person experiences alone or with others, while SIT naturally would include interaction with others. Cognitive Theory of Depression builds and grows stronger with each negative experience, while Symbolic Interaction is more in the present. The negative and distorted thoughts of a depressed person are reactionary. c. Motivation for change: Compare and Contrast In Cognitive Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory, motivation for change would include the need for love, support, and interaction with others. We are social beings and need that interaction. Depression separates one from others because it becomes mentally and physically difficult to function. With that separation comes confirmation of the distorted, negative self beliefs. Ruminations drag the depressed person further away from truth (cognitive) and people (interaction). Major Depression is not an illness one can pull out of alone. Although it would be possible without professional help, it wouldn’t be possible without other people. There would be no purpose to change. In Cognitive Theory, motivation for change would include a positive self image and the ability to enjoy one’s life. Motivation for change in Symbolic Interaction Theory would include positive self image and enjoying one’s life, as well as rejoining society, and having a positive impact on others. 3. Major Depressive Disorder Interventions  According to the American Psychiatric Association (APA) practice guidelines, acute phase treatment for patients with major depressive disorder may include pharmacotherapy, depression-focused psychotherapy, the combination of medications and psychotherapy, or other somatic therapies such as electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), or light therapy. The treatment chosen should depend on the severity of symptoms, other illnesses or stressors present, patient and doctor preference, and past treatment outcomes. In their study of depressed patients, Budd, James, & Hughes (2008) found that patients felt Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helped them more than any other therapy. Pharmacotherapy Antidepressant medication is generally the first treatment recommended for depression. Some of the first drugs used to treat depression were tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), such as Elavil. They affect the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and serotonin. They are used less often because of side effects. Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), such as Narwal, were also used in early treatments for patients with treatment resistant depression. Because of food interactions and the need for dietary restrictions, these medications are also used less often. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Prozac, work by increasing the amount of the neurotransmitter serotonin available to the brain. Seratonin and Norepinephrin reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), such as Effexor, increase the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine neurotransmitters that can be used by the brain. Mirtazapine, a brand name is Remora, is a non-adrenegic and specific serotonergic antidepressant. Buproprion, found in the brand Wellbutrin, is a norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor. All of these drugs may be used in the treatment of depression. (NIMH) Psychotherapy Psychotherapy, sometimes referred to as talk therapy, educates a patient about mental illness and provides tools, or strategies, to improve the patient’s mental health, as well as social functioning. There are several different types of psychotherapy. Psychotherapy for Major Depression is usually used in conjunction with medication. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Developed by Aaron Beck in the 1960’s, CBT helps the patient understand how thoughts can influence behavior. CBT helps a person focus on his or her current problems and how to solve them. The patient learns how to identify distorted or unhelpful thinking patterns, recognize and change inaccurate beliefs, relate to others in more positive ways, and change behaviors accordingly. (NIMH) Interpersonal Psychotherapy (IPT) Interpersonal Psychotherapy was developed in the 1980’s, by Gerald Kerman and Myrna Weissman, to treat depression. (Markowitz & Weissman, 2012) Mood, and it’s relation to social circumstances, is examined, and the patient learns how to react positively to negative circumstances. It is time limited and has been proven to be an effective treatment for depression. (Markowitz & Weitzman, 2012) Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) Similar to CBT, Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy focuses on changing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral problems. The therapy was developed by Albert Ellis, Ph. D. , in 1955. Ellis asserts, â€Å"It is largely our thinking about events that leads to emotional and behavioral upset. Working with the present in mind, the patient is encouraged to look at the negative thinking that leads to negative emotions and behaviors†. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy was developed by Drs. Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, and John Teasdale. It is an eight-session program based on eastern spirituality. Developed for use in preventing depression relapse, it focuses on the patient’s awareness of personal thought patterns and emotions. Knowing the ruminations and self-critical thinking that precedes depression, the patient is taught how to divert the depression. (American Psychological Association) Somatic Therapies Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Electrodes are placed on specific areas of the brain that stimulate the brain continuously through a pulse generator implanted under the skin. A long term follow up study by Kennedy and his colleagues (2011), found social functioning and physical health continued to improve for up to six years after the treatment. The response rate was high at 60%, and the remission rate was 30%, based on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale. (Kennedy et al. , 2011) Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation was first used in a study for treatment of depression in 1993, and approved by the FDA in 2008. The neural pathway, from the frontal cortex of the brain to the limbic area, is stimulated. This pathway is believed to be deficient in depressed patients. A pulsating, alternating magnetic field above the scalp sends an electric current through the brain. The electrical current flows to the cortex, depolarizing neurons, and sends signals to the limbic region. This procedure is preformed while the patient is awake. It produces minor twitches, has few side effects, and is non-invasive. The study I read showed a 65% improvement in symptoms. (George & Post, 2011) Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), or shock therapy, is usually used on treatment-resistant depression. A seizure is produced by an electrical shock to the brain. This shock changes the chemical balance in the brain. A patient generally has several procedures a week at first. Procedures are reduced to once a week and then once a month. The amount of ECT needed varies with each person. Memory loss and other cognitive effects sometimes occur, but usually diminish with time. (National Institute of Mental Health) It is important that a skilled Psychiatrist perform the procedure because the effectiveness of the treatment depends on the accuracy of the physician’s skills. (Lisanby, 2007) Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Vagus nerve stimulation sends electrical pulses from a surgically implanted generator in the chest to the vagus nerve. Every few seconds a pulse runs through the nerve to the part of the brain that is thought to effect mood. (NIMH) Complimentary and Alternative Therapies The National Institute of Mental Health also lists St. John’s wort, S-adenosyl methionine (sometimes called SAMe), omega-3 fatty acids, light therapy, and acupuncture as complimentary and alternative therapies. Botox has also been studied as a treatment for depression, with the theory that suppressing frowning in a depressed person can decrease the depression. (Kruger, T. H. C. , et al. , 2012) 4. Theory and Treatment Links Cognitive Theory and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy a) Etiology Maintenance of depression by negative, automatic thoughts, and withdrawing from others, is the basis for Cognitive Theory. In Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for depression, the client is taught to replace negative cognitive thoughts and behaviors with positive ones. Sterling Moorey (2010) developed a maintenance model of depression with six cycles depicted as a â€Å"vicious flower†. It is a tool to help clients understand depression: what causes it, and how it is maintained, as well as cognitive and behavioral changes to ameliorate it. The links between Cognitive Theory and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy can be seen clearly in the model as described below. b) Dynamics Testing negative thoughts and beliefs replaces automatic negative thinking. Problem solving and developing compassion replaces ruminating and self-attacks. Mood recognition replaces mood/emotions. Becoming physically active, and taking one step at a time, replaces withdrawal and avoidance. Experimenting with helpful behaviors replaces unhelpful behaviors. Motivation and physical symptoms are replaced by taking care of oneself and exercising. (Moorey, 2010) A link between Cognitive Theory and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, is demonstrated when exercise is used as a treatment for depression. Exercise engages the patient mentally and physically. It changes behavior, increases health, and encourages interaction with others. It is positive change that can be used for intervention and prevention. (Martinson, 2008) c) Motivation for Change Cognitive Theory of Depression asserts that dysfunctional and negative beliefs about self causes and maintains depression. Gaining a positive self image based on cognitive behavioral changes will enable a depressed person to participate in, and enjoy life. Looking at difficulties and life events from a positive perspective, allows one to believe success is possible, and behave accordingly. Symbolic Interaction Theory and Interpersonal Therapy a. Etiology Looking at events from a dysfunctional and negative view, based on our interactions with others, perpetuates negative thoughts and feelings, according to the Symbolic Theory of Major Depressive Disorder. This was demonstrated in a study by Vranceanu, Gallo, and Bogart (2009). They found that women with depressed symptomatology reported more negative personal interactions and less positive support, than women who were not depressed. The negative reactions the depressed women received, may serve as reinforcers for dysfunctional beliefs. (p. 468) Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) links mood to the clients circumstances, helping the client to understand what triggers the depression. Often, negative circumstances involve a relationship, or some event that involves the client’s interpersonal functioning. (Markowitz and Weissman, 2012) Liverant, Kamholz, Sloan, & Brown (2011), showed there is a correlation between rumination and other forms of emotional suppression, such as avoidance and withdrawal. They found the more often emotional suppression was used, particularly rumination, the greater the intensity of sadness. b. Dynamics The negative thoughts and feelings the client has perceived from interactions with others, as well as personal relationship problems, are evaluated by the therapist. IPT is time-limited, and solution based. The therapist is understanding, supportive, and encouraging. Emotional acceptance of negative experiences may serve as a tool to reduce rumination, thus decreasing the symptoms of depression. (Liverant, et al. 2011) Interpersonal skills are taught so clients can learn to interact with others in more positive ways. c. Motivation for Change Motivation for change in both Symbolic Interaction Theory and Interpersonal Therapy is a return to a positive mood, the ability to enjoy life, and to interact with others in a positive way. Negative, dysfunctional beliefs attained through interaction with others, as demonstrated in Symbolic Interaction Theory, can b e changed by learning person skills to interact more positively with others, thus providing positive response and reducing depression.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

College Football vs Nfl Essay

Many compare the National Football League (NFL) with college football but the two are not extremely similar and should never be compared. Yes, besides a few minor rule changes the NFL and college football are the same game; but there is much more to football then the rules. College football is better than the NFL for a wide variety of reasons. First, there exists more passion in college football all around the sport. Passion cannot be measured in anyway but can be observed and understood by the fans, coaches, and sports community. Players care more about the game and less about money, while the fans have great passion for the university they attend or attended. The lack of an influence money has on the game is admirable. Also, tradition is so vast in college football a game day experience cannot be compared with those of the NFL. The special rivalry games and in stadium events makes college football great. Rivalries, passion, playing rules, and timing are few of the reasons why college football is better than the NFL. Along with great activities like tailgating, the wonderful scheduling, the entertainment, and the comeback friendly rules college football has the best case for why it is levels above the NFL. Passion is sought after in all sports, and is the most apparent in college athletics. Money determines everything in pro football and the large impact it has is just too obvious. The same cannot be said for college football. The great passion and emotion seen in players and coaches, and their loyalty to their team helps make college football a lovable game. The football team at a university represents the town, the state, and what the community stands for. College football players are said to be passionate, play hard, hard workers, and fearless. NFL players are most known for complaining and not wanting to be hit hard. There is passion in every play and intensity like no other in college football. It is just a drag watching the NFL because most of the time there is no passion, it’s just guys playing for that next paycheck (Fisher).The fact that the student athletes play for opportunity and the love of the game is invigorating to all sport fans. College football has been said t o be more pure of a game. This means they play for the chance to make the league, and are about the game. Another reason passion is more reflected in college football is the lack of salary related hold outs. This refers to the many major star athletes who have large contract disputes and skip on camp and all team activities until they are paid more money. Players risk team success for selfish personal reasons. Prime examples of a player negatively affecting a team with a hold out are Albert Haynesworth, Terrell Owens, Michael Crabtree, Maurice Jones-Drew, Chris Johnson, and many more. These players put personal motives over team goals; it is inferred that the star athletes prefer money over team success. There has never been one single hold out in college football. Historically players in contract years have shown just a little more effort to ensure they make a few extra dollars when their pay days come around (Eliesen). Stats go up and so does the amount of work put in. This shows that players give more effort when money is on the line. The impact money has on the NFL makes college football that much better. Another issue with the money influence of the NFL is players will switch teams for more money, wins, or a bigger market. Not just some players, all players. In college you can transfer for academic or personal reasons but there are consequences. In 2010-11, 6.4 percent of Division I student-athletes transferred from one four-year school to another four-year school. Included in that figure are 969 football student-athletes. All of those student-athletes were required to sit out a year of competition (NCAA). In the NFL it is expected that a player would turn their back on their team and city for more money or a better personal opportunity. In college it is discouraged, frowned upon, and penalized against. The players passion for the game, loyalty to their teams, and absents of holdouts and other money related issues are the start of a long list of reasons why college football is better than the NFL. The passion shows the college players are about the game, not the money. The tradition of college football is unlike that of any sport. The significance of it is immeasurable. To start college football has outstanding rivalry games. They are better than the NFL rivalry games simply because they have existed longer, are closer games, in a larger variety, and the fans and schools hate each other more. Classic examples include Army versus Navy, the iron bowl, Ohio State versus Michigan, USC versus Notre Dame, Miami versus FSU, The red river rivalry, the civil war, the dual in the dessert, the world’s largest cocktail party, LSU versus Alabama, and several others. Compare that with Dallas against Washington; the best rivalry in the NFL. Not a comparison. Every team in college football has a rival. Iowa State has Kansas State. Indiana has Illinois. Baylor has Texas Tech. Cincinnati has Louisville. It’s not what you think of when you think Auburn/Alabama, Ohio State/Michigan and Texas/Oklahoma, but even the lesser-known powers have rivals that riles up the fan bases. The NFL? I challenge you to name the Carolina Panthers’ top rival (Wilson).The atmosphere surrounding the towns and the great rivalry games out perform the NFL’s weak rivalry match ups. Next, fans have more to route for in college. The fact that the students and alumni get to support the place they graduated from cannot be matched. For NFL fans most of them root for the city’s team you were born in. For college football fans the team you cheer for could be across the nation because you had a family member go there or your family has always cheered for them. For college football fans it doesn’t matter what city you live in (Fisher). Good examples of great tradition are Oregon’s uniforms, dotting the I in Ohio, Chief Osceola, war eagle, Howards rock, the dog UGA, and the play like a champion today sign in South Bend. Literally, 100 more traditions could be named. Traditions such as those just don’t exist in the NFL. There isn’t the same level of tradition in the pro game (Killoren). Stadiums, fight songs, bands, and the college campus on game day, pep rallies, are all things that are just not seen in professional football. The tradition in college football is evident and changes the game completely. Most importantly the strong and vast group of rivalry games in college makes the NFL division games appear as friendly competition. A main reason why college football is better than the NFL is because in college the timing in all around better. By the timing, I mean the rules that influence the time and the scheduling. College football starts a week earlier which means over 120 division one college games have been played before the NFL starts. College football has more games in general and starts off football season right. Next, is Saturdays are better for watching and playing football than Sundays. Nobody wants to go to work the day after a crazy game. People need Sunday to relax after a crazy tailgating and game experience. To me, there’s nothing better than going to bed on Friday night knowing that you have nothing to do on Saturday except watch college football. Even if you find a few hours to watch your favorite NFL team, you still have it hanging over your head that it’s back to work in the morning. That feeling always tends to take the wind out of my sails (FanNation). Who wants to be out late on a Sunday night at a prime time game? How about Saturday? There is a big difference between the two. During bowl season we get to see 35 prestigious match ups of team with winning records in solid football games over a 23 day period. Right over the holidays when everyone has school and work off there is football on every day. This is set up nicely for viewers. Seniors get a last chance to represent themselves and their school in the bowl game that they have worked so hard to earn. Lastly, college has comeback friendly rules that the NFL do not have. Stopping of the clock on a first down, one foot in bounds for a catch, chains must be set before clock starts, and clock stopping all game when you get out of bounds keep college games entertaining and help you see more action. According to a Wall Street Journal study of four games from week 16, the average NFL game features just 10 minutes 43 seconds of action (Chase). The comebacks that have determined champions and the outcome of high profile games are because of the comeback friendly rule book of college football. College football is more entertaining than the NFL for many reasons but bowl season, the comeback friendly rules, Saturdays over Sundays, and the extra week of football are just some vital examples. The pregame activities, tailgating, the more logical football rules such as overtime standards, and ESPNs outstanding coverage give college an extra edge on professional football. College game day travels to the biggest game of the week and perform a 3 hour special on campus live in front of an audience with different guest stars, storylines, and gimmicks each week. Hands down NFL Countdown can’t compete with College Gameday (Fisher). Also, college goal line which updates all the score nationwide is very popular around the country. In college football the sport is played the right way. If a player hits the ground he is down, in the NFL he can get back up and run if not touched. This leads to many missed calls and slows down play. The overtime rules are better in college because you can’t tie. Yes, in the NFL there is the terrible possibility of a tie. Also, each time gets a chance and the better team is awarded the victory. In the NFL it’s more about the coin flip than the play. Parties on campus, pep rallies, and fun halftime events like the famous Dr. Pepper challenge are great add ons to college football. The college life sparks parties and pep rallies. Some schools even cancel classes the day before a big game. Students camp out to get tickets and great scenes like that are noticed all around the country. The weekend gives students a break. What more would students want to do than party and route on their schools football team. Lastly, tailgating is bigger in college football. Fans have all of the next day to relax so they enjoy their tailgating. Only 30 percent of the tailgaters actually make it inside the stadium. People do not tailgate a week before for an NFL game. College students start tailgating that Sunday or Monday after that last game they just went too (Fisher). College fans take tailgating very serious and make a 3 hour game into a week event in which they can relax, watch football, eat good food, and reunite with friends and family. The activities around college football separate it from the old boring games on Sunday. College football has passion, traditions, entertainment, and an incredible environment that the NFL lacks. These reasons were choose from a list of 200 reasons college football is better. Upsets, unpredictability, cheer leaders, the Heisman, coaching dynasties, the spread offense, uniforms, new programs, and other reason were not even discussed because college football has such a huge variety of great attributes. This makes college football more appealing to the fans and viewers. Understand that all these reasons build on the case of why college football beats the NFL. Yes, the players are less talented when they are younger. It should have been made clear that the game is about more than this though. The college players do not only care about money. Love of the game, the tradition, the entertainment, and the rules are a few of the prominent reasons college football is better. However, Most of these reasons cannot be based of scientific facts or stats. The reasons listed are based on what is the best game to watch and support. A personal opinion and judgment is what makes this argument worth demonstrating. It cannot be proven through facts and data but there are numerous reasons that help show the point that is trying to be made. All the evidence is there and all that is left to do is choose what reasons makes college football better than the NFL. There are many to choose from.