Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare And Contrast Young Goodman Brown And Abigail Williams

Have you ever tried to compare and contrast two different stories? In this case, Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author of short story Young Goodman Brown, and the play called The Crucible, wrote these two stories as if they were meant to be compared and contrasted. Whether it is Young Goodman Brown himself, or Abigail Williams from The Crucible, there are many similarities, along with differences between them. Along with comparing characters of these stories, we can also compare and contrast the two main themes. These themes are hysteria, and community. In The Crucible, the main theme is hysteria because it seems to overcome a majority of characters. In Young Goodman Brown the main theme would be community. It is because of community, and†¦show more content†¦Along with similarities, there comes differences. There are many differences between Abigail Williams and Goodman Brown. Some of those differences are their loss of innocence, how they portray themselves. One difference betwe en Abigail and Goodman Brown is their loss of innocence. Abigails loss of innocence was when she accused John Proctor. She was going to tell everyone about the affair, and ended up turning the whole affair around on John, causing more problems and it ended up with John Proctor in jail. Shortly after that, Abigail fled town after robbing her uncle, Reverend Parris ending her power spree in Salem. With Goodman Brown, he never truly lost his innocence like Abigail did. Goodman Brown came very close when he was almost going to go with the devil, but he realized what it would do to Faith, his wife, if he did that, and ended staying with the good side. Another difference is how Abigail Williams and Goodman Brown portray themselves. Abigail portrays herself as someone with power, and also she can be very manipulative. Abigail can be manipulative because when she was being accused of witchcraft for dancing in the woods with the other girls, she immediately turns it around on other people, a nd costs many people their lives because of her falseShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesBlencke, University of Central Florida Michael Bochenek, Elmhurst College Alicia Boisnier, State University of New York William H. Bommer, Cleveland State University Bryan Bonner, University of Utah Jessica Bradley, Clemson University Dr. Jerry Bream, Empire State College/ Niagara Frontier Center Jim Breaugh, University of Missouri Peggy Brewer, Eastern Kentucky University Deborah Brown, North Carolina State University Reginald Bruce, University of Louisville Jeff Bruns, Bacone College Pamela Buckle,

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